Posts Tagged ‘Clericalism’

A synodal Church is a consultative Church

Thursday, July 4th, 2024
Synodal church

The final round of the World Synod will convene in Rome in October this year. Bishops, priests, and laypeople will vote on new consultation and decision-making processes in the Catholic Church. The working paper, Instrumentum Laboris, is the crucial guideline for this process and is expected to be available soon. The Synod Secretariat announced at Read more

Women deacons: What seems unimaginable today will become natural tomorrow

Thursday, May 30th, 2024

In a May 21 interview with CBS, the Holy Father confirmed the exclusion of women’s diaconal ordination from the scope of discussion at the Synod on Synodality in the Catholic Church. There are undoubtedly many reasons for this authoritative decision, and it can be legitimately reduced to the pope’s personal conviction formed in prayer, which Read more

Priest urges Church to reject the “heresy of triumphalism”

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Fr Tomáš Halík, a renowned Czech theologian and philosopher, says the Catholic Church should shed the “heresy of triumphalism” and foster a more synodal approach to evangelisation in today’s secular climate. Halík recently participated in a synodal gathering convened by the Vatican, highlighting concerns over parish priests’ exclusion from previous synodal sessions and stressing the Read more

Toxic mix of clericalism and sex abuse is not unique to Catholicism

Monday, April 8th, 2024
Synodal church

In 2010, a sizable number of abuse cases in the Catholic Church in Germany became known for the first time. Since then, the Church has been striving to process these cases. At their plenary assembly on September 25, 2018, the German Catholic bishops published a study documenting cases of abuse between 1946 and 2014. At Read more

Power a key factor in church sexual abuse cases

Monday, March 4th, 2024
sexual abuse cases

A renowned historian has asserted that the hierarchical power structures within the Catholic and Protestant churches are significant factors contributing to sexual abuse cases. In a recent article in the German website Herder Korrespondenz, Thomas Großbölting (pictured) highlights the clergy’s authority within the religious framework as facilitating the exploitation of children and young people. “It Read more

The pope’s problem – today’s seminarians and young priests

Thursday, February 22nd, 2024

He’s warned Catholic seminaries against the tendency to turn future priests into “little monsters”. He’s scolded the Church’s presbyters for wearing ornate liturgical vestments that stem from a bygone era, telling them to stop dressing up in “granny’s lace”. And he’s called it a “scandal” to see young priests and seminarians going into the ecclesiastical Read more

Theology goes out with the tide

Thursday, November 30th, 2023

Last week, Pope Francis issued a short Apostolic Letter revising the scope of a Vatican Institute. It seemed hardly newsworthy. The Pontifical Institute of Theology was founded in 1718 for the theological formation of priests, and later for bringing theologians together to discuss theological topics. More recently it has held an occasional conference, mainly with Read more

Basic church communities growing again in Brazil

Monday, July 31st, 2023
basic church communities

Small or basic church communities are back in vogue in Brazil, and Pope Francis is stepping in to revive them, cranking up young people’s support and interest. The once powerful Brazilian basic church communities have declined since the 1990s. Last week, 1,000 Brazilian basic church community leaders gathered to discuss Brazil’s most pressing issues, from Read more

Francis warns against lay clericalism

Thursday, April 27th, 2023
importance of the lay ministry

Pope Francis is warning against the self-referential attitude of some lay ministers who become ‘puffed up’ by their ministry. Francis stressed the significance of lay ministers serving others rather than inflating their egos. “I get angry when I see lay ministers who — pardon the expression — are ‘puffed up’ by this ministry. This is Read more

Call to ‘abolish the clergy’ ignites controversy in Belgium

Monday, March 13th, 2023
Belgium Abolish the clergy

A booklet arguing that “to abolish clericalism, we must abolish the clergy” has ignited controversy among Catholics in Belgium. The proposal was made in a booklet titled “Let’s return the Church to the People of God! Putting an end to clericalism,” authored by nine Catholics working in healthcare for the Diocese of Liège. The group Read more