Posts Tagged ‘Blessed Sacrament Cathedral’

Demolition approved for Christchurch Catholic cathedral

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

Land Information New Zealand (Linz) has given the go-ahead for the demolition of Christchurch’s Catholic cathedral. A spokesman for the Catholic diocese said demolition work would begin in about two weeks. Workers are currently clearing fallen rubble from the back of the cathedral in preparation for demolition. Read more  

Demolition work starts on Christchurch Catholic cathedral

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Demolition of the earthquake-damaged Catholic cathedral in Christchurch has begun, but heritage campaigners still hope to save it. The $1.8 million demolition project is expected to take a year and started this week with three workers salvaging two stone angels from the front of the historic building. Catholic Bishop Paul Martin said he was sad Read more

Blessed Sacrament Cathedral: money not tagged for restoration

Thursday, August 8th, 2019
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral

Christchurch Catholic diocese’s general manager Andy Doherty said no donations have been made for the specific purpose of restoring the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. $200,000 left to the church in a will had no specific provision for restoration of the basilica. The donated total of $350,000 would be used for the planned new cathedral, he said. In Read more

Blessed Sacrament Cathedral can be saved – for $100 million

Friday, October 28th, 2016
100 million

The new bishop of Christchurch will have to decide what to do about the earthquake Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. He will be faced with a choice of spending $45 million to restore the nave or $100 million to carry out a complete restoration. A decision had previously been made  to save and restore just the Read more

Catholic cathedral restoration waiting on CERA approval

Friday, July 31st, 2015

Plans to retain and restore parts of the Catholic cathedral could be jeopardised by approval delays, Christchurch diocese leaders claim. In June, the diocese applied to the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) for a section 38 notice. They had expected a decision in weeks but are still waiting approval. A section 38 notice would give Read more

Nave of Christchurch Catholic Cathedral may be retained

Friday, May 29th, 2015

The Catholic Bishop of Christchurch, Barry Jones, has announced a $45 million plan to partially restore the Christchurch Catholic cathedral. The rebuilt Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament would include a part of the original building, but would not entirely replicate it. Some areas, including the sanctuary, cannot be saved. And because of budget constraints and Read more

New video of damaged Blessed Sacrament Cathedral

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

New aerial footage has revealed just how much damage was sustained by Christchurch’s Catholic cathedral in the February 2011 earthquake. Christchurch man Pete Perrim used a drone to film the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch’s Blessed Sacrament Cathedral  from the air. The footage, taken using a DJI Phantom 2 drone, documented the extent of the damage Read more

Blessed Sacrament Cathedral – Safety before history and emotion

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

Safety must come before history and emotions when considering the options for the future of the Blessed Sacrament cathedral in Christchurch, says John Ogilvie. Ogilvie is the financial administrator in the diocese of  Bunbury, Australia. In May 2005 a tornado swept through Bunbury, destroying homes and badly damaging the Catholic cathedral. An engineer concluded the Read more

Blessed Sacrament Cathedral update

Monday, May 7th, 2012

To date the diocese has spent about $3 million deconstructing the damaged parts of the Blessed Sacrament cathedral, on cleaning and saving and numbering stones, windows and unique elements, and on transporting material, at night, to the new site. Management Board chairman Lance Ryan said discussions leading up to a decision on whether the cathedral Read more

Months of waiting for any decision on 20 Catholic chuches in CHCH

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

There will be  several months before any decision on 20 Catholic chuches in Canterbury can be made.

Five churches have been demolished, and a further 16, including the Basilica, have been out of action since December.

Financial Administrator, Paddy Beban, says at this stage the bill for rebuilding and repairing the churches is in excess of $120 million.


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