Posts Tagged ‘Cardinal Walter Kasper’

Cardinal Kasper: Church needs more guidance by lay people

Monday, May 13th, 2024

The long-standing Curia Cardinal Walter Kasper has advocated for a greater transfer of church leadership tasks to non-ordained Catholics (“lay people”). One of the most urgent tasks of bishops and priests is to “proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the requirements of the time,” he said in a conversation with the Viennese theologian Jan-Heiner Tück Read more

Rethinking the role of the College of Cardinals

Monday, April 15th, 2024
College of Cardinals

Cardinal Walter Kasper (pictured), a retired member of the German Curia, has advocated for reevaluating the tasks assigned to the College of Cardinals. Speaking at a lecture in Salzburg, Kasper highlighted the need for adaptation amidst ongoing synodal changes and decentralisation within the Church. He suggested revitalising the early Church tradition of provincial and plenary Read more

Germany’s synodal path has failed

Thursday, October 20th, 2022

Cardinal Walter Kasper says the German way forward on its “synodal path” has failed. Kasper, who is the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity’s President Emeritus, points to the Second Vatican Council’s path in synodal fellowship. The Church would have a future only if it continued on that path – a path that the German Read more

Kasper criticises Germany’s Synodal Way reform

Monday, June 27th, 2022
Germany's Synodal Way reform proposals

Germany’s Synodal Way reform proposals have had some sharp criticism from German theologian cardinal Walter Kasper. He agrees reforms are necessary but says the Church should not become “a mass that can be kneaded and shaped to suit the situation”. The proposal to create a permanent Synodal Council to govern the Catholic Church in Germany Read more

Cardinal Kasper ‘very worried’ about German Church’s ‘Synodal Way’

Monday, June 14th, 2021
Cardinal Kasper very worried

An influential theologian considered to be close to Pope Francis said he is “very worried” about the German Catholic Church’s controversial “Synodal Way.” Cardinal Walter Kasper the former head of the Vatican’s department for Christian unity said in a June 8 interview with the Passauer Bistumsblatt that he hoped the prayers of faithful Catholics could Read more

Plan for halting mass exodus from church underway

Thursday, December 5th, 2019

German bishops are looking for ways to halt the massive exodus from the Church in Germany caused by the clerical abuse crisis. The bishops’ conference launched a two-year “synodal procedure” for church reform last weekend, on the first Sunday of Advent. Working together with the lay Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), special synodal candles Read more

Cardinal says married priests possible later this year

Monday, June 10th, 2019

Married priests could be a possibility if prelates ask Pope Francis to allow it, German Cardinal Walter Kasper says. Kasper, who is considered one of Francis’s close theological advisers, says such a change could be made during this year’s Synod of Bishops on the Amazon set for this October, if the prelates were to ask Read more

Divorced, remarried Catholics can receive communion – Cardinal Walter Kasper

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

Divorced, remarried Catholics can receive communion. German Cardinal, Walter Kasper, says Amoris laetitia allows for a “changed pastoral practice”. He also says “We must make Amoris laetitia an awakening of family pastoral ministry. Marriage and family must be the central theme in pastoral care because the family is the way of the Church.” Kasper is Read more

Pope does not fit conventional theological labels, says Kasper

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

Pope Francis does not fit into the worn out categories of conservative or liberal, says the cardinal who has been dubbed “the Pope’s theologian”. In a lecture in Washington, D.C. last week, Cardinal Walter Kasper said Francis “cannot be categorised, much less appropriated, by any specific [theological] school”. “He’s not an academic theologian in the Read more

Francis’ road map for Church will last a century or more

Friday, October 24th, 2014

Pope Francis’ road map for the future of the Church will far outlive his pontificate, a German theologian has predicted. Speaking in Austria during the second week of the recent synod on the family, Cardinal Walter Kasper said Francis is a “gift of God”. The Pope’s theology and his vision for the Church are centred Read more