Posts Tagged ‘Catholic evangelisation’

Nigerian Catholics aim to re-evangelise the West

Thursday, July 25th, 2024
Catholic Church in Nigeria

The Catholic Church in Nigeria is experiencing remarkable growth, positioning itself as a potential source of revitalisation for Catholicism in the West. Nigeria’s Catholic population is estimated to be 25 million, making up 10-15% of the country’s 220 million people. The country’s population is expected to soar to 350-400 million in the next 20 years. Read more

Priest urges Church to reject the “heresy of triumphalism”

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Fr Tomáš Halík, a renowned Czech theologian and philosopher, says the Catholic Church should shed the “heresy of triumphalism” and foster a more synodal approach to evangelisation in today’s secular climate. Halík recently participated in a synodal gathering convened by the Vatican, highlighting concerns over parish priests’ exclusion from previous synodal sessions and stressing the Read more

‘Nones’ and spiritual seekers represent opportunity

Monday, February 26th, 2024
Monsignor Tomáš Halík

Monsignor Tomáš Halík, a prominent Czech theologian, has emphasised the importance of taking seriously those who report having no religious affiliation (‘nones’) and spiritual seekers. Halik recently visited Sydney and addressed various Catholic audiences, including educators, parish leaders and youth. He stressed that ‘nones’ and spiritual seekers are a growing demographic in Australia and other Read more

Catechumen and candidate numbers well

Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
catechumen and candidate numbers

Catechumen and candidate numbers in Brisbane and Sydney dioceses are continuing to rise as hundreds of people are choosing to become Catholic. They – catechumens (those who have never been baptised) and candidates (who have been baptised, but not as Catholics) – will all become members of the Catholic Church this Easter. Numbers up In Read more

Vatican ambassador urges US bishops to embrace synodality

Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Cardinal Christophe Pierre has been apostolic nuncio to the United States since 2016 and, at Pope Francis’ request, he will continue in this role for the foreseeable future, he told America’s Vatican correspondent in an exclusive interview in Rome in early October. After graduating from the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, which trains Vatican diplomats, in 1977, Read more

Pope Francis: To evangelise, ‘faith must be inculturated’

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

Pope Francis, in his ongoing catechetical series on apostolic zeal, spoke about the example of Sts Cyril and Methodius, the ninth-century “apostles of the Slavs” whose mission was built on three pillars: unity, inculturation, and liberty. At the centre of the pope’s Oct 25 general audience was an emphasis on the relationship — and harmonisation Read more

Upbeat Papal Nuncio enthused by new opportunities to evangelise

Monday, February 27th, 2023

The Apostolic Nuncio to Australia, Archbishop Charles Balvo, is upbeat about the changing role of the Church. “There are new opportunities to evangelise right in front of us”, he observed enthusiastically after visiting the Archdiocese of Brisbane. During his visit, he found himself alongside Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge aboard a helicopter flying high above a Read more

Pope Francis emphasises pastoral care in application of canon law

Thursday, February 23rd, 2023
Pope pastoral care

During a recent event Pope Francis stressed the importance of prioritising the care of people and evangelisation in the application of the Catholic Church’s canon law. Francis spoke at a February 14-18 course sponsored by the Roman Rota, a Vatican tribunal that deals primarily with marriage cases. The pope challenged the idea that canon law Read more

Restoring golden age of Christianity not Church’s goal

Monday, December 6th, 2021
Christendom has come and gone

“Christendom has come and gone,” Bishop William Wack of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida told the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) in a recent interview. “We’ve reached the end of Christendom,” according to Wack. However, he said that the church’s goal should not be to restore a supposed golden age of Christianity or rebuild a political culture where the Read more

Evangelisation is tough in Japan

Thursday, November 7th, 2019

Despite the difficulties evangelisation in Japan presents, the Catholic Church still finds ways to proclaim the Gospel, says Tokyo’s Archbishop Isao Kikuchi. He says it’s been difficult for the Church to move into mainstream Japanese society, which has faced persecution and genocide since 1549. “In Japanese society, it is difficult to find tangible success in Read more