Posts Tagged ‘Early Church’

Original synodality: consultation in the early Church

Monday, March 27th, 2023
Original synodality

The death of Cardinal George Pell this past January occurred at a critical moment in the life of the Church as its bishops consider how to respond to the call of Pope Francis in October 2021 for a synodal Church, based on communion, participation and mission. The news that the Australian cardinal had penned an Read more

Discipleship and Society in the Early Churches

Thursday, May 12th, 2022
Early Church

Whenever there is a matter of dispute in the modern-day Church, there is a tendency to ask what would be the opinion of those members of the Early Church? Those of you already familiar with the writing and teaching of Tom O’Loughlin, Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology at the University of Nottingham, will welcome his Read more