Posts Tagged ‘Gender Dysphoria’

Research on transgender children puts target on paediatrician’s back

Monday, April 29th, 2024

The paediatrician whose research project found false information about transgender children’s treatment puts them “at risk” is now at risk herself. Dr Hilary Cass says she’s been told not to travel on public transport because of fears for her safety. Detractors – including an MP – have been spreading “vile disinformation” around her report for Read more

The perils and necessities of saying ‘I don’t know’

Thursday, April 18th, 2024
Gender dysphoria

When I was studying political science in graduate school, I was surrounded by students who were much smarter than me. Most of my fellow students at the University of California Berkeley went to Ivy League schools as undergraduates. They were well read, articulate and confident. When they asked where I went to school, I responded, Read more

Pediatric pushback on ‘trans kids’ treatments

Monday, February 19th, 2024
trans kids

Based on a review of more than 60 studies related to the mental health of adolescents, the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has concluded that social transition, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones “have no demonstrable, long-term benefit on psychosocial well-being of adolescents with gender dysphoria.” ACPeds President Dr. Michael Artigues said the organization’s review of Read more

Charitable gender conversations needed

Thursday, March 30th, 2023
charitable gender conversations

Abigail Favale, a professor at the University of Notre Dame, has called for “charitable, substantive conversations” on gender, warning that the issue is “affecting real people.” Speaking at The Catholic University of America, Favale said that the Catholic Church was “carrying the torch on the dignity of the body” in a way that nobody else Read more

Gender dysphoria and surgical abuse

Thursday, March 21st, 2019
Gender Dysphoria and Surgical Abuse

In recent years, the issue of transgender identity in children has leapt from the periphery of public consciousness to centre stage of a cultural drama played out in the media, courts, schools, hospitals, families, and in the minds and bodies of children. It is a kind of utopian religion with committed believers. The drama is Read more