Posts Tagged ‘gender’

Pope Francis and the Louvain deadlock

Monday, October 7th, 2024
Pope Francis

During his visit to Belgium, Pope Francis was warmly received September 28 at the University of Louvain, which was celebrating its 600th anniversary. And yet, the event left a bitter aftertaste. Confronted by a group of students and faculty over “the invisibility of women” in his encyclical Laudato si’, “Christian ecofeminism,” and the role of Read more

The perils and necessities of saying ‘I don’t know’

Thursday, April 18th, 2024
Gender dysphoria

When I was studying political science in graduate school, I was surrounded by students who were much smarter than me. Most of my fellow students at the University of California Berkeley went to Ivy League schools as undergraduates. They were well read, articulate and confident. When they asked where I went to school, I responded, Read more

What is the sound of a woman leaving the Church?

Monday, October 9th, 2023

A famous Zen koan asks: What is the sound of one hand clapping? A contemporary spiritual riddle might inquire: What is the sound of a woman leaving the Church? Neither has an answer. There is only silence. I re-entered Catholicism with some trepidation, overpowered by a longing I could not name. Intellectually, I understood that Read more

Foster care ban for Catholic couple

Thursday, August 10th, 2023
foster care

Providing foster care is off the cards at present for a Catholic couple in Massachusetts. They say their religious beliefs are behind a ban on them participating in their State’s foster care system. Fighting the ban, Mike and Catherine “Kitty” Burke (pictured) turned to liberty group Becket Law who have filed a federal lawsuit on Read more

Does God have a gender?

Thursday, March 30th, 2023
does god have a gender

The short answer to this question is no. Gender is something that belongs to humans; God is beyond gender. But because we believe in a personal God, and people are gendered, some of us can’t help but envision God as having a gender. Throughout Christian tradition, believers have leaned heavily toward depicting God as male. Read more

Why the pronouns used for God matter

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

The Church of England is considering what language and pronouns should be used to refer to God. The church’s General Synod has, however, clarified that it will not abolish or substantially revise any of the currently authorized liturgies. Nonetheless, this news made headlines and brought up questions of how religions refer to God. Is God Read more

The politics of pocket money: how the gender pay gap starts in childhood

Monday, February 13th, 2023
pocket money

If you think the fact that women in the UK are paid only 90p for every £1 earned by a man was depressing, then buckle up. New research has revealed that the gender pay gap begins earlier than most of us could have imagined: in childhood. “This report is the product of two of our Read more

Churches must rise to the challenges of the modern world

Monday, July 11th, 2022
modern world

It’s an interesting experience being a churchgoer these days. We’ve been nudged to the periphery of society and lost out in numbers and influence. Countless revelations about sexual misconduct by clergy have shaken public confidence. The accumulation of negative publicity in very recent times has been remarkable: Dilworth School, Gloriavale, Destiny Church’s antics, Arise Church’s Read more

The Australian Plenary Council: Abundance of goodwill or the last throw of the dice?

Monday, July 5th, 2021
Australian Plenary Council

With a few months to the first session of the long-awaited Australian Plenary Council (PC2020), we are finally headed down the home stretch. The initial phase of listening drew nearly 220,000 people across Australia and 17,500 individual and group submissions. These submissions were distilled into the six national theme papers and then further distilled again Read more

Faith in numbers: Behind the gender difference of nonreligious

Thursday, February 25th, 2021

One of the most consequential stories in American religion in recent years is the rapid and seemingly unceasing rise of “nones” – those who respond to questions about their religious affiliation by indicating that they are atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular.” According to some recent estimates, around 4 in 10 millennials and members of Read more