Posts Tagged ‘joy’

Pope Francis may have surprised many by inviting comedians to the Vatican, but …

Monday, July 1st, 2024

When Pope Francis addressed a group of top international comedians on June 14, 2024, he called them “artists” and stressed the value of their talents. To many Catholics, this meeting came as a surprise. Traditionally, the themes of detachment, sacrifice, humility and repentance appear far more frequently in religious writing and preaching than the spiritual Read more

Joy and liturgy

Thursday, October 19th, 2023

We humans (do we even need to say it?) are passionate animals! We have our loves and our hates, our up days and down days, and the times when we just want to sit quietly and be left alone. Moreover, these emotional swings are not simply mood swings or based on how we feel when Read more

Hold out for joy

Monday, May 14th, 2018
Holiness and joy

The only great tragedy in life,” wrote the French novelist Léon Bloy, “is not to become a saint.” Pope Francis quotes this judgment approvingly in Gaudete et exsultate, his apostolic exhortation “on the call to holiness in today’s world.” He also quotes a less dramatic formulation of the same idea in Lumen gentium, the Second Read more

The Joy Project: Maria Parsons

Thursday, March 30th, 2017

Maria Parsons, 58, is a retired chef. She lives on the Otago Peninsula, Dunedin, with her dog, Carlos, and cat, Socks. Joy is a wonderful word. I prefer it to “happy”. Joy is really deep, whereas I think happiness is more fleeting. I think babies are born joyful, but the circumstances of upbringing and society Read more

Seeking the transcendent

Friday, May 29th, 2015

Here’s my theory: The shrinking number of American Catholics isn’t just about the hierarchy’s anachronistic politics. It’s also about Catholics seeking, and not finding, an experience of the holy and transcendent — of God — in their Church. Without that, who could be surprised when the Pew Center this month found the Church losing adherents Read more

Pope Francis lists his 10 tips for greater happiness

Friday, August 1st, 2014

Pope Francis has listed his top 10 tips for bringing greater joy into a person’s life and the first is “live and let live”. Francis gave his list in an interview with an old acquaintance Pablo Calvo, which formed part of a feature article in the Argentine magazine Viva. The interview was given to mark the Read more

Rejoice, Jerusalem!

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

The fourth Sunday in Lent, Laetare Sunday, is my favourite Sunday in Lent, and not just because of the pink vestments that insecure clergy sometimes attempt to convince you are “rose.” So many of the rich images, words, and themes that will recur at the Easter Vigil are hinted in the day’s readings and prayers — the Read more

Surprise! It’s the Pope

Friday, February 28th, 2014

Cardinals are traditionally called “princes of the church,” but Pope Francis insisted on Sunday they’re not part of a “royal court.” Interviews with several cardinals this week suggest the pope backs up those words with his personal example. As he approaches the one-year anniversary of his election, it’s becoming steadily clearer that Francis is the Read more

Secrets for long, joyful life from nun aged 107

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

Sister Candida Bellotti turned 107 years old on Thursday, and she is believed to be the oldest living nun in the world. Naturally, she has a thing or two to say about longevity and living well. Born in 1907 in Verona, Italy, Candida joined the Camillian nuns more than 80 years ago and has spent Read more

Making God laugh out loud

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

“God made us for joy. God is joy, and the joy of living reflects the original joy that God felt in creating us” Blessed John Paul II The day before my ordination last summer I was giving my four-year-old nephew a lift in the car. I wanted to test him, so I said: “Tristan, what’s happening Read more