Posts Tagged ‘Knock’

Marian apparitions – You don’t have to believe in them. But I do.

Monday, May 13th, 2024
Marian apparitions

This week, the Vatican is set to publish a new set of guidelines on apparitions, including Marian apparitions, that is, reports from individuals or groups that the Virgin Mary has appeared to them. There are many kinds of apparitions and visions, but Marian ones predominate in the Catholic Church. The last major Vatican document addressing Read more

Pope set to visit Ireland in 2018, Dublin archbishop says

Tuesday, May 24th, 2016

Pope Francis is set to visit Ireland in 2018, the Archbishop of Dublin has indicated. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin invited the Pope to preside at the World Meeting of Families scheduled for Dublin in 2018. The archbishop said in an interview with the Irish Independent last week that Francis had told him “I will come”. The Read more