Posts Tagged ‘National’

If neoliberalism has failed, what would Labour replace it with?

Monday, September 18th, 2017

Jacinda Ardern says neoliberalism has failed, as does former National Party Prime Minister Jim Bolger. “Any expectation that we just simply allow that the market to dictate our outcomes for people is where I would want to make sure that we were more interventionist,” Ardern told Radio New Zealand. So what is neoliberalism? As colleague Henry Cooke put it: “neoliberalism Read more

After a poverty of debate, political parties commit to dealing with child poverty

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

Both Labour and National are now politically committed to major reductions in child poverty rates. Moreover, their ambitions are bold and explicit. National is promising to reduce child poverty by two-thirds – at least on one specific income-based measure – by the end of the next parliament. Labour has committed to ending child poverty and Read more