Posts Tagged ‘Saints’

Santo? Dubito

Monday, February 19th, 2018
Doubtful saint

Dear Pope Francis, I have an idea. You know how you keep advancing the sainthood causes of all your predecessors? What if you stopped doing that? That’s my idea. It’s pretty simple: Just stop making every pope a saint. Instead of canonizing Paul VI this year, as you are reportedly planning to do, I suggest…not Read more

Pope canonises 35 new saints mostly martyrs

Monday, October 16th, 2017

On Sunday Pope Francis created 35 new saints during a  Mass in St Peter’s Square. In his homily, Francis referred to the Christian life as a “love story with God” and said “The Saints who were canonised today and especially the many martyrs, point the way.” Read more

St Columba and the Loch Ness Monster

Monday, July 31st, 2017

On August 22 AD, St Columba was on the banks of the river Ness. He came across a group of heathenish Picts who were busy burying a friend who had been attacked by an enormous “water beast” while swimming in the river. Continue reading . (you need to scroll down for the story)

Single mothers are saints

Monday, July 24th, 2017
John Kleinsman - single mothers

Some time ago I found myself on the fringes of a group of Catholics discussing the impending birth of a baby to a teenage girl. I detected just the faintest whiff of scandal in the air – nothing said, but plenty implied. I quipped: “Isn’t that great.” Faces turned, eyes probing. “ Isn’t it great Read more

The mature witness of child saints

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

When Pope Francis canonized child seers and siblings Francisco and Jacinta Marto May 13, the centenary of the first apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, he added to a long list of children and young people who are at some point on the road of sainthood. Granted, the number of child saints is a small Read more

Guess how many St Catherines there are

Monday, February 27th, 2017

How many St Catherines do you think there are?  Guess: 2, 9, 12, 16, 22? While while they all share the same name and love for God, each of the each of the Catherine’s (or Katharine’s) path to holiness is unique. Check out their stories 

A saint for difficult people: Dorothy Day

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

One way to understand the saints—the radiant, aberrant beings next to whom the rest of us look so shifty and shoddy—is to imagine them as cutting-edge physicists. Their research, if you like, has led them unblinkingly to conclude that reality is not at all what, or where, or who we think it is. They have Read more

Chiara Luce Badano: Generation X Blessed

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

Though perhaps not yet a “superstar” saint, Blessed Chiara Luce Badano’s story is rapidly building a following, especially among younger Catholics today, in part because her selfless acceptance of suffering provokes both curiosity and esteem among post-modern types. This coming October 7 is the 25th anniversary of the death of an amazing young adult Christian Read more

Miracles of healing and Vatican’s new rules

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Miracles of healing will have to be checked against new rules. Pope Francis has approved revised norms to ensure transparency. Historical and scientific accuracy are also important factors. The Congregation of Saints Causes must have at least six medical experts on a Consultation Team panel. Two-thirds of the team must approve a statement declaring a Read more

Saints are made to be role models and to inspire – Cardinal Dew

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

“Saints inspire us, they are made saints so that we can look up to them as role models, figures who show us how to live out our discipleship, how to use the gifts God has given us,” said Cardinal John Dew, the Archbishop of Wellington in his homily on Saturday. He was preaching at a Mass Read more