Hottest priests calendar for 2014 launches in Rome

Italian photographer Piero Pazzi has released his annual Calendario Romano (Roman Calendar) for 2014, which is better known as the “hot priest calendar.”

And when people call it “hot priest calendar,” they mean hot priests in calendar.

The calendar boys included in the photographer’s line-up are strapping young men who are real priests. Mr Pazzi has photographed them in Rome during the Holy Week. He has also travelled to Seville to shoot photos of the clergymen during the Holy Week procession in the city.

The priests remain nameless, though, and that’s fine with them.

“I meet most of them on the streets in Rome and ask to take their photos,” the photographer told The Local, adding that “most are happy to be photographed after I tell them the reason for the calendar.”

Interested priests from around the world are welcome to take part in the photographer’s annual calendar project. Continue reading

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