Fake news – physician, heal thyself

A headline at the National Catholic Register was funny, in a sad kind of way. “EWTN CEO Michael Warsaw: Catholic Journalists Are Called to Be ‘Truth Tellers,’ ” it read. Funny because Warsaw is CEO of the Register, and their understanding of “truth” is far more relativistic than most Catholic journalistic enterprises

Warsaw’s network suffers from a blind spot – an inability to transcend conservative American Catholicism’s myopic views. “Fake news” cannot be associated with only one side of culture wars – it’s a form of fake news in itself.

A culturally conditioned understanding of what counts as “true” is always in flux. People ignore the best scientific evidence about climate change if they are invested in fossil fuels. Still, they certainly want scientific advances in treating heart disease if they fall ill. Read more

Additional reading

News category: Odd Spot.

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