Pope Francis meets with transgender and intersex Catholics

transgender and intersex Catholics

Pope Francis recently met with a group of 11 transgender and intersex Catholics, including LGBTQ+ allies, in a 90-minute audience in the Vatican City.

The meeting, facilitated by Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry, centred on the personal testimonies of five individuals about their experiences as transgender and intersex Catholics.

One of the participants, Michael Sennett, a transgender man, shared his experience of being rejected by a priest at the age of eight for requesting to wear a suit instead of a dress during his First Communion.

“I cried because I was convinced God hated me” Sennett said. He spoke of his attempted suicide at 17 and how the support of a Catholic nurse helped him see a path forward in his faith and identity.

Another testimony came from Nicole Santamaria, an intersex woman from El Salvador, who highlighted the invisibility of intersex people, even within the LGBTQ+ community.

Santamaria’s own experience of intersexuality and her Catholic faith informs her work with marginalised communities. She believes she is called to serve those often overlooked and misunderstood.

Although academic studies are disputed, it is estimated that about 1.7% of babies are born intersex.

More harm than good

Ray Dever, a retired Catholic deacon and father of a transgender woman, spoke about the struggles faced by transgender Catholics.

Dever said he noticed a “stunning lack of compassion within so much of the church for transgender people”. This included people being excluded from the life of the church in many dioceses and parishes. They were also denied sacraments and turned away from Catholic schools.

“It pains me to say this but, right now, I think that we as a church are doing more harm than good in our approach to gender theory and transgender individuals” Dever told the Pope.

While Pope Francis has criticised gender theory, calling it an “ugly ideology” that erases differences, he has also condemned the mistreatment of LGBTQ+ people.

Earlier this year, the Vatican published Dignitas Infinita (“Infinite Dignity”) which denounces discrimination based on sexual orientation and warns against gender theory and sex-change intervention.


America Magazine

CathNews New Zealand


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News category: World.

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