Posts Tagged ‘Pope Francis and LGBTQ+’

Pride parade participants mock Pope in Rome

Monday, June 17th, 2024
Rome LGBTQ+ Pride

The Rome LGBTQ+ Pride parade celebrated its 30th anniversary on Saturday with tens of thousands marching through the Italian capital, many waving banners poking fun at Pope Francis. “Attention, from here on high levels of faggotry” read one sign on a motorcycle. A man dressed as Pope Francis held a sign stating “There is too Read more

Pope could change catechism’s language on LGBTQ+ issues

Thursday, October 26th, 2023
catechism's language

A prominent theologian has said the pope has the power to change the catechism’s language regarding homosexuality. However, Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, who was involved in drafting the Catechism of the Catholic Church, has reinforced Church teaching on LGBTQ+ issues. Speaking at a press briefing during the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, Schönborn stated that Read more

Pope Francis meets with US LGBT group previously denounced by Vatican

Thursday, October 19th, 2023

Pope Francis met Tuesday at his residence with leadership from the US LGBT organisation New Ways Ministry. The group had previously been denounced by both the US Bishops’ Conference and the Vatican’s doctrinal office for causing confusion on sexual morality among the Catholic faithful. It’s unclear what the topic of the meeting was. The organisation Read more

“God loves us as we are,” Pope Francis tells transgender person

Thursday, July 27th, 2023
God loves us as we are

In a heartfelt gesture of outreach to the LGBTQ+ community, Pope Francis engaged in a moving conversation with a young transgender person, saying “God loves us as we are.” The Pope’s compassionate remarks were unveiled through Vatican media on Tuesday, following a podcast where Francis engaged with young people through audio messages in preparation for Read more