Posts Tagged ‘Caritas Internationalis’

Catholic charity aims to empower women on peripheries and beyond

Monday, March 11th, 2024

For this year’s International Women’s Day, the global Catholic charity organisation Caritas Internationalis has published a new booklet exploring both the spiritual foundation of women’s leadership and giving voice to female protagonists around the world. In a forward for the booklet titled “Equality, Encounter and Renewal”, which was published March 7, Sister Alessandra Smerilli, secretary Read more

Food suspension in Ethiopia neither humane nor moral

Thursday, July 13th, 2023

Caritas Internationalis, the Catholic Church’s leading humanitarian organisation, is pleading for International Development (USAID) and the World Food Programme (WFP) to immediately reinstate crucial food aid for Ethiopia. The aid was halted on 30 March 2023 in the Tigray region following the discovery of “widespread and systemic” diversion of substantial food supplies intended for the Read more

Right and just to see women at all levels of Caritas – Kirsty Robertson

Thursday, June 1st, 2023

Kirsty Robertson says her new role as vice-president of Caritas Internationalis is both a privilege and the fulfilment of an “unbelievable journey.” Ms Robertson, 45, joined Caritas Australia based at North Sydney in a junior position more than 20 years ago. She has spent the intervening years dedicated to humanitarian work there and in other Read more

Pope Francis: Charity is our very life

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

Charity – caritas – is our very life; it is what makes us “be” what we are. When we embrace God’s love and when we love one another in him, we plumb the depths of our identity, as individuals and as Church, and the meaning of our existence. We understand not only how important our own lives are, but Read more

New Caritas president focuses on restoring stability and women’s representation

Thursday, May 18th, 2023
New Caritas president

Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s prominent charity, has elected Japanese Archbishop Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi of Tokyo as its new president. The election follows a period of turmoil that led Pope Francis to remove the previous leadership team. Caritas Internationalis is keen to build a future and wants to move forward together. Archbishop Kikuchi takes over from Read more

Vatican cardinal defends Pope’s decision to fire Caritas leadership

Monday, May 15th, 2023

Cardinal Michael Czerny, who heads the development office responsible for Caritas, has defended Pope Francis’ “drastic” decision to fire the elected leadership of Caritas Internationalis in November 2022. Speaking at a week-long meeting in Rome of the global confederation of 162 national Caritas chapters, Czerny (pictured) explained that the move was necessary for the well-being Read more

Ousted head of Caritas accuses Vatican of “brutal power grab”

Thursday, May 11th, 2023
"brutal power grab"

The former head of Caritas Internationalis, the Catholic Church’s charitable arm, has accused the Vatican of a “brutal power grab” in an open letter published just days before the organisation’s General Assembly. Aloysius John, who was removed from his position as secretary-general in November 2022, alleged that his ousting was a result of the “deliberate Read more

Caritas reports good progress in Pacific & Southeast Asia

Monday, April 24th, 2023
Pacific & Southeast Asia

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand’s (CANZ) first report on a seven-country programme in the Pacific and Southeast Asia shows the new programme is progressing well. Oranga Taurikura – A Thriving Life – is a 5-year integrated development programme which CANZ leads. It works through established community organisations to provide food and water security, build healthy lifestyles, Read more

Turkey and Syria need post-earthquake support – not sanctions

Monday, February 13th, 2023
Turkey-Syria earthquakes

Turkey and Syria need our help urgently, say Pope Francis, Orthodox patriarchs and other church leaders. Both countries were struck by two powerful earthquakes on Monday last week. They need solidarity from all of us – and they are “in part already martyred by a long war”, the pope says. By Sunday 12 February, the Read more

Pope Francis and his Caritas International takeover

Thursday, November 24th, 2022

Back in the late 1960s and 1970s, detractors of St. Paul VI dubbed him the “Hamlet Pope” for his alleged waffling and the perceived fashion in which he would agonise over difficult decisions. Whether that image of the pontiff was fair or not, it stuck, so much so that it featured in the opening paragraphs Read more