Posts Tagged ‘Charity’

Charity to offload rest-home; cites costs

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Fox News: Presbyterian Support Otago, a non-profit organization, announced its plans to sell a rest-home, hospital, and retirement village in Wānaka, citing financial strains. The group will also discontinue its partnership with the Aspiring Enliven Care Centre in Cardrona Valley Rd, which offers aged care and nursing services. Jo O’Neill, Chief Executive, said that insufficient Read more

Church and charity tax exempt status under spotlight

Thursday, September 28th, 2023

National leader Christopher Luxon and Labour leader Chris Hipkins faced off in Newshub’s Decision 2023 Leaders Debate on Wednesday. When asked by debate host, Paddy Gower whether charities should pay tax, Hipkins responded with a definite “yes”, while Luxon said he was “open to it”. In August, there was speculation that the National Party plan Read more

Pope’s trip to Mongolia about charity not conversion

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

The Pope’s historic four-day visit to Mongolia ended on Monday amidst discussions about charity. Pope Francis’ main purpose in visiting Mongolia was to visit its tiny Catholic community. He completed his trip with a stop to tour and inaugurate the House of Mercy. The House of Mercy provides health care to the most needy in Read more

Pope Francis: Charity is our very life

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

Charity – caritas – is our very life; it is what makes us “be” what we are. When we embrace God’s love and when we love one another in him, we plumb the depths of our identity, as individuals and as Church, and the meaning of our existence. We understand not only how important our own lives are, but Read more

Down syndrome Barbie helps us emulate how Jesus lived

Thursday, May 18th, 2023
Down syndrome Barbie

Recently, my husband repurposed a piece of plastic, some string and a scrap of fabric to make a therapy swing for my daughter’s Barbie dolls. My daughter Josie has Down syndrome and attends a therapy centre where she works on her speech and her fine and gross motor skills. She loves being pushed on a Read more

What makes a charity a charity?

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

Last year, New Zealanders gave more than $4 billion to the country’s 28,000 registered charities. The overall income they bring in is far higher than that – more than $21 billion, which is comparable to the value of the country’s dairy exports. Charities employ about 145,000 people and more than 200,000 of us volunteer for Read more

Legal expert says Destiny Church unlikely to be deregistered as charity despite 12,000 people signing petition

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

A legal expert says Destiny Church is unlikely to be deregistered as a charity despite thousands of people signing a petition calling for its charitable status to be revoked. It comes amid controversy over Brian Tamaki’s involvement in anti-lockdown protests. Tamaki’s Freedoms and Rights Coalition is responsible for organising several anti-lockdown protests, while Tamaki himself Read more

Win-win: strategic giving funds gap in social services

Thursday, November 11th, 2021
One Donor

The wealth gap in New Zealand is growing – but many people behind philanthropic giving are changing the shape of charity. The changes are taking the form of new sorts of funds where ‘donors’ still get a return. They include bonds resulting in community housing being built, investments in education and health and ‘impact investment’. Read more

Children benefit from big funding boost for Homes of Hope

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Homes of Hope is thanking the community for helping it deliver tangible outcomes for children in New Zealand society. Homes of Hope is foster care that keeps siblings together and ensures they are not moved from placement to placement whilst in care. This stability and consistency of care is crucial to their healing journey and Read more

Vodafone NZ donates more than $43 million to over 1000 charities

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Vodafone NZ has passed a significant milestone in its corporate philanthropy efforts, having supported more than 1000 charitable organisations since 2002 with donations totalling over $43 million, making the digital services provider one of the largest corporate philanthropic donors in Aotearoa. According to Philanthropy New Zealand, Vodafone “offers a great example of how businesses in Read more