Posts Tagged ‘Catholic Discovery’

The Catholic Enquiry Centre in a digital age – Bishops ask for prayers.

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

CEC is reaching out to new audiences through social media, video and special events. This year it sponsored Vatican Observatory Director and world-renown astronomer, Br Guy Consolmagno in a nationwide tour. In addition, it has developed a new social media brand, Catholic Discovery and is working closely with Catholic agencies and schools in spreading the Read more

Catholic Discovery – a new face for the Catholic Enquiry Centre

Thursday, June 21st, 2018
catholic discovery

Catholic Discovery is a new approach The Catholic Enquiry Centre (CEC) has developed in an attempt to broaden its target audience. They are on the look-out for good stories, so if you have any to let them know. To get an idea of what they are looking for: Click here to view the Catholic Discovery on Read more