Posts Tagged ‘Catholic lay ministries’

Only A Feminine Touch Can Fix The Church Before It Becomes Extinct

Monday, June 17th, 2024
the Church

Feminist theologian Dr Niamh M. Middleton has repeatedly warned that both the Church of England and Catholic Church, which have seen dwindling congregations for decades, face extinction within 30 years. That is, unless they radically reform to give equal standing to women. Dr Middleton, author of Jesus and Women, tells The London Economic (TLE) digital Read more

Francis warns against lay clericalism

Thursday, April 27th, 2023
importance of the lay ministry

Pope Francis is warning against the self-referential attitude of some lay ministers who become ‘puffed up’ by their ministry. Francis stressed the significance of lay ministers serving others rather than inflating their egos. “I get angry when I see lay ministers who — pardon the expression — are ‘puffed up’ by this ministry. This is Read more

Lay lust for power is not about the Gospel

Monday, September 20th, 2021

A lust for service, rather than a lust for power is what should drive the Church’s lay-leaders, Pope Francis says. Their “mission is to serve, not to wield power or exert control over others.” Francis made the comments in a meeting last Thursday with moderators of Catholic lay associations, ecclesial movements and new communities. Many Read more

Catholic lay women survey shows frustration about their ministries

Monday, August 17th, 2020

A survey asking Catholic lay women about their work for the Catholic church has found while their faith is important to them, lay women are frustrated by lack of women’s leadership opportunities, financial insecurity and clericalism. The lay women surveyed say these frustrations are barriers to them fulfilling their ministerial paths in the church. Entitled Read more