Posts Tagged ‘sexism’

Only A Feminine Touch Can Fix The Church Before It Becomes Extinct

Monday, June 17th, 2024
the Church

Feminist theologian Dr Niamh M. Middleton has repeatedly warned that both the Church of England and Catholic Church, which have seen dwindling congregations for decades, face extinction within 30 years. That is, unless they radically reform to give equal standing to women. Dr Middleton, author of Jesus and Women, tells The London Economic (TLE) digital Read more

Seven women seek leadership roles French Catholic Church hierarchy

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Seven women are seeking leadership roles in the French Catholic Church heirarchy. These roles include positions as priests and bishops, which are officially reserved for men. This is the latest push to give women a significant place in the Catholic hierarchy. After submitting their candidacies for various leadership roles, including deacon, priest and bishop, the Read more

Boys do better in single -sex schools

Monday, October 21st, 2019
single -sex schools

The outgoing headmaster of one of Australia’s most prestigious boys’ schools has used New Zealand research to support his contention that boys do better in single-sex schools. Timothy Wright is retiring in December after 17 years running the Sydney Church of ­England Grammar School. He said he welcomed discussion around what it meant to be Read more

NZers less tolerant of sexism & racism more tolerant of bad language & nudity

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

New research suggests New Zealanders appear to have a less tolerant of sexist or racist content. It also shows some New Zealanders now have a more tolernat of bad language and nudity than was found in previous years. Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) chief executive Belinda Moffat said the research “indicates these changes are strongly influenced Read more

Actor Meryl Streep slams Catholic Church for sexism

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

Actor Meryl Streep has said that the Catholic Church is contributing to “infuriating” levels of sexism in the world. Speaking at the London Film Festival last week, Streep said “the Church is a body that excludes people”. “There are two places you [women] can’t vote in the world – in Saudi Arabia, although they are Read more

Place of women in powhiri and parliament

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

Student Tyler Dixon is used to being asked about women’s place on the marae. Her pakeha friends ask if the traditional role of women in the powhiri is sexist. “I just try to explain that females have their own type of mana. Traditionally Maori really revered their women, and looked after their women, and I Read more

Lingerie football — naked sexism

Friday, June 15th, 2012

The American Lingerie Football League (LFL) has arrived in Australia. In an opinion piece in Eureka Street, Catherine Marshall points out that while a few newspaper writers “have done much to highlight the misogyny that is inherent to this form of entertainment, they have done so against a rousing tide of public support for this seedy Read more

New Missal: Women urged to request inclusive language

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Catholic women are being urged to write to their bishop to protest at sexist language in the new version of the Roman missal. Fr Sean McDonagh of Ireland’s Association of Catholic priests said it was obvious from the language of the new missal that not a single woman had been consulted while it was being Read more

Are women and men interchangeable at will?

Friday, July 1st, 2011

A number of issues which may appear to be unrelated have been in the news Redefining Marriage, Children being raised in a “gender free” environment, Alasdair Thompson’s comments on workplace productivity, Cardinal sees ‘no theological obstacle’ to women priests. They are however connected by the underlying issue of gender difference. At one end of the Read more