Posts Tagged ‘instrumentum laboris’

Cardinal Hollerich: ‘If women do not feel comfortable in the church, we have failed.’

Monday, July 15th, 2024

The working document, or instrumentum laboris, for next October’s meeting of the Synod of Bishops is “taking up again” the teaching of the Second Vatican Council on the church by focusing on the missionary responsibility of all the baptized in the synodal church. That is what Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich (pictured), the relator general for next Read more

Theologian slams Vatican’s ‘platitudinous waffle’ on women’s roles

Monday, July 15th, 2024
platitudinous waffle

Theologian Tina Beattie has expressed frustration over the Vatican’s ongoing postponements regarding women’s roles in the Catholic Church, describing the situation as “platitudinous waffle”. Beattie criticised the lack of progress in an article published on Thursday by Sacred Heart University in the US. Beattie’s comments follow the release of a new working paper by the Read more

Toned-down synod document backs female leadership, but not as deacons

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

The agenda for the next round of the Synod on Synodality, scheduled for Oct. 4-27 in Rome, will focus on female leadership and the inclusion of women in the Catholic Church, according to a document released Tuesday (July 9) by the Vatican. The “Instrumentum Laboris,” or “working document,” is an initial plan for the second Read more

Whanganui parish priest going to priests’ pre-Synod gathering

Thursday, April 18th, 2024

The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference has selected Whanganui Parish Priest Fr Craig Butler to attend a pre-synod world meeting of parish priests at the Vatican. Butler (pictured) will represent New Zealand’s Catholic priests at the gathering from 28 April to 2 May. He and 300 confreres from across the globe will share views and Read more

Pope Francis creates study groups for Synod’s next stages

Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
Pope Francis

Pope Francis has set up study groups to explore various themes that emerged from the Synod on Synodality’s session last October. At the upcoming session, participants will continue to work on the theme “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission”. The pope has also set the dates for the second session which – after Read more

Francis wants the synod in every parish. Here’s how to bring it to yours.

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

It is hard for result-oriented Americans to understand that, for Pope Francis, the synodal process is more important than any decision, report or document that comes out of it. We are eager to know what the synod will decide on specific issues like blessing gay couples, ordaining women as deacons or priests and authorising married Read more

Beginning today the Synod is addressing ‘some of the key points’

Monday, October 16th, 2023

Speaking at the Synod on Synodality, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich shared an introductory reflection on the “co-responsibility of the mission.” This is the subject of the third module, dedicated to section B2 of the Instrumentum laboris, or working document, which is being addressed starting today. B2 reads: “Co-responsibility in Mission: How can we better share gifts Read more

Women’s ordination advocates rally at Vatican

Monday, October 9th, 2023
Women's ordination

Advocates for women’s ordination in the Catholic Church gathered in prayer and solidarity at the Basilica of St Praxedes in Rome during the historic Synod on Synodality. The Vatican has drawn the faithful from across the globe, including bishops and cardinals, for the month-long synod. The synod, arising from a comprehensive global consultation of Catholics, Read more

Synod aims to improve Church effectiveness

Monday, September 18th, 2023

According to US Bishop Daniel Flores, October’s Synod on Synodality aims to address human reality – not abstractions. Flores (pictured) is a member of the global assembly’s preparatory commission. He says the Synod aims to share Christ and his Gospel more effectively. We can’t respond with the Gospel if we don’t know the reality people Read more

Suggestions of biased synod agenda – just nonsense

Thursday, June 29th, 2023
biased synod agenda

Recent allegations that a biased synod agenda working document favours a liberal plan are baseless and lack substance, says Massimo Faggioli. The working document (Instrumentum Laboris) for the Synod of Bishops, a result of a comprehensive process involving the participation of the entire church, is a testament to the church’s commitment to inclusivity and dialogue, Read more