Posts Tagged ‘International Union of Superiors General’

Talitha Kum celebrates 15th anniversary

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

Over 200 Talitha Kum delegates representing women and men religious, laity, young people and survivors actively engaged in combating human trafficking will gather for Talitha Kum’s 2nd General Assembly. This Assembly falls as the International Network of Consecrated Life Against Human Trafficking celebrates the 15th anniversary of its establishment in 2009 under the International Union Read more

Catholic women want equality and visibility

Monday, March 11th, 2024
Catholic women

Catholic women are demanding equality and visibility while urging the Church institution to set aside its fears about change. Leadership positions within the Church are important, a pre-International Women’s Day gathering near the Vatican said. “It’s so important that the Catholic Church be engaged in this issue, not just internally but also externally given the Read more

Nuns vow to dismantle human trafficking networks

Thursday, July 29th, 2021

A network of Catholic nuns and their collaborators have launched a worldwide campaign to take on the $150-billion second criminal human trafficking industry. The “Talitha Kum,” network of women religious under the direction of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) is to help nearly 40 million people trapped in modern-day slavery through their “The Read more

Church has ‘duty’ to counter vaccine deniers

Thursday, May 6th, 2021
counter vaccine deniers

An expert on the Vatican’s Covid-19 commission says religious working in health care and schools have a duty to educate and to counter vaccine deniers. Women religious and Catholic organisations who serve others every day are “our best hope for safe and fair distribution of vaccines. “They are also the best tool for convincing people Read more

Catholic nuns denounce culture of silence and secrecy

Monday, November 26th, 2018

Catholic nuns throughout the world are denouncing the culture of silence and secrecy surrounding sex abuse in the Church. The Rome-based International Union of Superiors General, which represents more than 500,000 sisters worldwide, is urging nuns who have been abused to report the crimes to police and their superiors. They have promised to help nuns Read more

Superiors General of female orders want more influence

Thursday, November 1st, 2018

The superiors general of 34 female orders want more influence in the Church. As part of an international umbrella organization, the International Union of Superiors General, the superiors from orders in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg want women to be admitted to all offices in the Church, including ordained offices. The German-speaking superiors general, who Read more

World’s superiors general want women’s votes at synod

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

Women’s votes at synods of bishops should be sought and they should have a larger role, say two Rome-based umbrella groups representing about a million Catholic religious from around the world. The Union of Superiors General for priests and brothers and the International Union of Superiors General for sisters and nuns are working on a Read more