Posts Tagged ‘Ministry’

Deep down things

Thursday, May 16th, 2024
Deep down things

Easter is behind us, and everything is back to normal. The resurrected Jesus is cooking fish for his friends. We are not told how he got the fish or given details of the preparation, but we can imagine silver fillets laid out on red hot stones and the air fragrant with breakfast. Was everything back Read more

Once was plumber now hospital chaplain

Monday, February 26th, 2024

Life has changed a lot for Joe Gray since becoming an Ecumenical Chaplain at Taranaki Base Hospital. He’d been a plumber for 32 years before that. “When you hang a toilet, fit a bath, turn it on and it’s done, you walk away” he said. Gray says life is extremely different going from a 9am Read more

Ministering to euthanasia patients

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Euthanasia and assisted suicide are now legal in all Australian States. In each State, however, there are conditions and restrictions. Advocates for euthanasia are currently calling for a review of some of these restrictions. There has been, for instance, a call that advice on euthanasia and assisted suicide should be available via telehealth. It should Read more

Recognising women – major hope of Synod

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

The question of women, ministry and leadership echoed loudly in parishes and bishops’ assemblies when Pope Francis called two years ago for a worldwide discussion among rank-and-file Catholics about the Church’s main challenges and issues. The question is resounding more loudly as the summit of bishops and lay Catholics known as the Synod on Synodality, Read more

Professional supervision for all in a caring role

Monday, June 26th, 2023
professional supervision

With the seemingly endless stream of Australian royal commissions taking place, about to take place or called for, the ethical and cultural leadership practices of both government and non-government organisations are well and truly in the spotlight of public scrutiny. And rightly so. People make decisions to behave unethically and destructively, but they do so Read more

Ministry means going wherever the people are

Thursday, October 20th, 2022
Misistry is

Times of great change present the Church with great opportunities says Jesuit Father, James Martin They offer the chance to adapt to new needs and serve people differently, and a ministry of service means going wherever the people are, says Martin (pictured). Martin says that Pope Francis has officially supported ministering to LGBTQ people. He’s Read more

The future of ministry: by whom and for whom?

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022
future of ministry

Meet any group of Catholics today and within minutes someone will mention that their diocese or local area is undergoing a “re-organization”. Parishes are being combined, the ordained ministers being spread more thinly around communities, and the access to gathering for Eucharistic activity is being curtailed. The process is sometimes given an elegant name derived Read more

Women in stipendiary ministry training outnumber men

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Women training for stipendiary ministry at St Padarn’s Institute, Cardiff, are now in a majority, outnumbering men by 18 to eight. Three of the women are under 30 — deemed good news for the age profile; a further three are between 30 and 39; six are 40-49; four are 50-59; and two are between 60 Read more

Excluding women from ordained ministry is a form of abuse

Monday, February 21st, 2022
Excluding women

We live in a world where, sadly, abusive behaviour is rife. Whether it be physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, or any other form of abuse, it needs to be called out at every level. It is usually perpetrated by men against women, precisely because they can. Physical strength, the male combative nature and patriarchal cultures all Read more

Mission, Ministries and co-responsibility

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

The front line of the Church’s work is the Christian people whose lives are leaven in the dough of all the ordinary circumstances of ordinary life. The purpose of ministries within the Church is to provide nurture and formation for that mission.  It is the mission that matters. Part I – Ministries For some years Read more