Posts Tagged ‘Racism’

Priest snatches Apache Christ icon from church

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

The recent recovery of an icon depicting Jesus as an Apache Christ, alongside another image of Apache spirit dancers, has left the New Mexico mission community with many questions. The motives behind the theft from the church remain unclear, sparking intense speculation and concern among the mission’s congregation and the wider community. The US bishops Read more

Widespread racism targets Māori medical students and doctors

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

Racism is alive and sick in New Zealand’s medical system. Doctors, medical students, patients and whānau suffer, says a newly-released research paper. Grim findings Researchers at the universities of Auckland and Otago have found that almost all – 90 percent – of Māori doctors and medical students say they have experienced or witnessed racism in Read more

A saint we need

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

“They oughta send them all back.” “A wave of brown-skinned filth.” “Keep your crime and your filth out of this neighbourhood.” This is some of the invective directed at Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini after she arrives in a chaotic New York City, as depicted in the luminous new film drama Cabrini. It should be obvious Read more

Drunk racist ranter spits and curses in NZ Catholic church

Thursday, March 7th, 2024
racist ranter

A drunk man who vented vile racist comments at three people in an unnamed Hamilton Catholic church has appeared in the Hamilton District Court. Claiming to be a Catholic, the man even spat at the people. Craig George Murray’s behaviour made very unpleasant reading, said Judge Arthur Tompkins as he sentenced Murray for the incident. Read more

Parish praised for work against racism

Thursday, February 15th, 2024

The Catholic Church has a “crucial role to play” in speaking out against racism and promoting racial inclusion, a prominent British Catholic says. “Racism is a sin and has no place in our world. As followers of Christ, it is our duty to welcome all people, regardless of race or background, into our Church and Read more

Racist Kiwis will always exist says Dame Susan Devoy

Monday, September 18th, 2023

Racist New Zealanders will always exist. They will never be educated out of their racism, says Dame Susan Devoy. “We will never be a fully multicultural society until we’ve fully adopted our bicultural foundations, and that’s the struggle” says Devoy, a former race relations commissioner. In an interview with Grey Areas host Petra Bagust, Devoy Read more

New times for church women; there’s no turning back

Monday, July 31st, 2023
Women of the church

Many women at a US Women of the Church conference have expressed pain, frustration and hurt by experiences of sexism in the Church. The Women of the Church conference was for Catholic women leaders. It took place recently. All was not bleak, as highlighted by Women of the Church keynote speaker, theology Professor Kristin Colberg Read more

French riots follow decades-old pattern of rage, with no resolution in sight

Thursday, July 6th, 2023
French riots

Burnt-out cars in the Northern suburbs of Paris, Sarcelles . . . “Throughout the past 40 years in France, urban revolts have been dominated by the rage of young people who attack the symbols of order and the state: town halls, social centres, schools, and shops.” Although they never fail to take us aback, French Read more

Streaming students is racist

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023
streaming students

Streaming students by ability in schools is racist, researchers say. Yet streaming continues. This is despite evidence suggesting mixed-ability classes are more successful. Amid a long-term push away from ability grouping, both the Ministry of Education and the Government support think tank Tokona Te Raki – Māori Futures Collective aim to stop this. In a Read more

Racism affects 40 percent of Asian New Zealanders since Covid-19 pandemic onset

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Forty percent of Asian New Zealanders have experienced racism since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to researchers at the University of Auckland. The paper, published in the New Zealand Medical Journal on Friday, finds groups most likely to experience anti-Asian hate were temporary migrants, students, and those living in rural communities. Author Dr Read more