Posts Tagged ‘Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby’

Archbishop Justin Welby: wife pressured to abort disabled daughter

Thursday, July 11th, 2024
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and wife Caroline

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has disclosed that hospital staff pressured his wife Caroline to consider aborting their disabled daughter during pregnancy. Speaking at the General Synod in York, Welby explained that his daughter Ellie had dyspraxia; a condition affecting movement and coordination. Hospital staff suggested abortion if a disability test returned positive results, Read more

Pope urges Anglican leaders to embrace unity and dialogue

Monday, May 6th, 2024
unity and dialogue

In a historic meeting at the Vatican, Pope Francis engaged with senior Anglican bishops, emphasising the importance of unity and dialogue within Christian communities. The meeting, which marked the Anglican primates’ first pilgrimage to Rome, focused on shared missions and discussions on differences within the church. Pope Francis began his address by thanking Archbishop Justin Read more

Preparations and prayers on the eve of the synod

Thursday, September 28th, 2023

The Ecumenical Patriarch and the Archbishop of Canterbury will be among the Church leaders to join Pope Francis at a prayer vigil in St Peter’s Square on Saturday to entrust the forthcoming synod to the Holy Spirit. Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop Justin Welby and ten other leaders of Orthodox and Protestant denominations are due to attend, Read more

Conservative Anglican leaders denounce Archbishop of Canterbury

Monday, May 1st, 2023
Anglican Church

Leaders of the conservative wing of the Anglican Church have declared that they no longer recognise England’s Archbishop of Canterbury as first among equals. They are calling for a complete overhaul of how the global denomination is led. The primary cause of the rift among Anglican leaders is their differing opinions on homosexuality and same-sex Read more

Anglican same-sex blessings vote applies only to England

Thursday, February 16th, 2023
same-sex blessings

Rumours swirling about the Anglican Communion in England’s recent ‘yes’ vote for same-sex blessings have been cleared up by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Decisions made by the Anglican Communion in England apply only to England. They don’t have an international reach, Justin Welby says. He reminded people of the autonomy of Anglican Provinces, as rumours Read more

Fiery debate – no marriage but Anglican Church approves gay-couple blessings

Monday, February 13th, 2023

The Church of England has approved gay-couple blessings for the first time. The approval came after bishops rejected calls to allow same-sex marriages in churches at a meeting in January. Instead, they proposed numerous options and suggested offering blessings after a civil partnership or marriage, known as Prayers of Love and Faith. The Anglican General Read more

Francis headed to South Sudan where people eat leaves to survive

Monday, December 5th, 2022
eating leaves

Around 40 percent of the people in Amothic, South Sudan are eating leaves off trees to survive. Some of the children have diarrhoea from eating them. Half the village is eating their seed stocks too, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NCR) reports. While NRC is helping around 100,000 South Sudanese, those eating their seed stocks means Read more

Christian leaders unite to warn of ‘catastrophic consequences’ of climate change

Thursday, September 9th, 2021
Christian leaders climate change

The world’s Christian leaders have united to warn of the ‘catastrophic consequences’ of climate change, saying now is a ‘critical moment’ for the planet’s future. Pope Francis, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church, made the joint statement ahead of the Cop26 climate summit. In their Read more

Black Jesus painting to go in one of UK’s oldest cathedrals

Thursday, July 2nd, 2020

A print of a Black Jesus painting will be installed in one of Britain’s oldest churches as a tribute to the Black Lives Matter movement. The painting is a version of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper”, with Jesus recast as a black prophet. Called “A Last Supper,” the reinterpretation of the original 15th-century artwork Read more

Despite differences Christians are ‘one in Christ’

Thursday, June 13th, 2019

Christians are “one in Christ” despite differences between denominations and traditions, says the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Welby made this statement to over 5,000 Christians across various denominations and traditions gathered at a Pentecost event marking the culmination of “Thy Kingdom Come”, a 10-day prayer initiative. “We’re all different, we look different, we have Read more