So connected yet most lonely

A national survey released by Relationships Australia says the Y Generation, those born between 1981 and 1994, are the most lonely generation.

30% of Australians aged 25-34 and who responded to the 2011 Relationships Indicators Survey said they were frequently lonely. This was far more than any other group.

The survey polled 1204 adults and highlighted connections between online life and loneliness.

The frequently lonely were much more likely to try online dating and used several forms of social media, especially Facebook, to maintain friendships.

Social commentator Hugh Mackay has warned against a “new form of RSI – Reduced Social Interaction” syndrome if people didn’t get the “emotional nutrition” of spending time face to face with others.

Melbourne University philosopher Damon Young says Generation Y is lonelier because people don’t know how to be alone.

“People who are constantly connected electronically find being alone very difficult, so it’s not that these people are necessarily more alone; it’s that they feel it more keenly. I would guess that older people who haven’t been continually saturated with information are actually able to stand their own company.”


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News category: World.