Posts Tagged ‘Assisted dying’

Assisted dying review won’t change the current law

Monday, April 29th, 2024

The End of Life Choice Act which governs assisted dying will be reviewed later this year. Health Minister Shane Reti (himself opposed to assisted dying) and the coalition partners are drawing up the review’s terms of reference. While Act Party leader David Seymour, who instigated the Assisted Dying laws, would like changes made to the Read more

Euthanasia – inner turmoil of scheduling time and date

Thursday, November 9th, 2023

Two hundred and fifty-seven people chose to die by euthanasia in first year since euthanasia became legal in New Zealand, says Victoria University assisted dying researcher Dr Jessica Young. Hundreds more explored the service but chose not to proceed, she says. However, Young’s conversations with 19 individuals who opted for euthanasia paint a picture of Read more

Report shows Pasifika people not applying for euthanasia

Thursday, July 28th, 2022

A new report from the Ministry of Health has shown no Pasifika people from New Zealand have applied for assisted dying. The End of Life Choice Act came into effect late last year and, from then till March of this year, 66 people have had an assisted death. Of the applicants, 79 percent are Pākehā, Read more

Palliative care is grossly underfunded

Thursday, July 21st, 2022
Assisted Dying Service

Serious concerns have emanated from the first annual report of the Assisted Dying Service. The Assisted Dying Service which came into force last November has just released its first annual report for the period from November to March. By the end of June, 400 people had applied for an assisted death, 143 had died and Read more

Dominic Perrottet gives emotional speech against assisted dying

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Dominic Perrottet recalled visiting his terminally ill grandmother in hospital as he opposed an assisted dying bill in the NSW parliament. The Premier, who is a devout Catholic, said the debate is ‘very real and very personal’ for him because of his recent experience. “This time last week I was in the last place many Read more

Assisted dying – let’s pay attention to the stats

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Assisted dying became legally available on Sunday, the first death may be next month and observers are looking out for the statistics on the new law’s take up. The End of Life Choice Act means people enduring unbearable suffering from a terminal health condition and have a life expectancy of less than six months may Read more

Doctor: Assisted dying a ‘step forward’ in delivering care

Monday, November 8th, 2021

The End of Life Choice Bill -assisted dying – is being seen as a big change to the way doctors deliver healthcare. The law kicked in on Sunday. People requesting it will have to be 18 and over, in an advanced state of irreversible physical decline with unbearable suffering, and able to make an informed Read more

End of life equity for assisted dying but not palliative care

Thursday, November 4th, 2021
University of Otago

Providing equity of access for assisted dying without equity of access to palliative care is to completely undermine the goals of the End of Life Choice Act, says Professor Ben Gray. “The choice is distorted towards aid in dying and away from palliative care.” Gray – an associate professor with Otago University’s Department of Primary Read more

NZ Catholic bishops’ guide for helping people choosing assisted dying

Monday, November 1st, 2021
Catholic News Service

New Zealand’s Catholic bishops have written a pastoral statement and a set of guidelines for those working with people choosing assisted dying. Chaplains, priests and other Catholic professionals are being given guidelines and pastoral help to work with people who decide to die under the End of Life Choice Act which takes effect on 7 Read more

New NSW Premier a man of faith

Thursday, October 7th, 2021

Dominic Perrottet (38), NSW’s premier, is a Catholic. Having a Christian faith is part of who he is and inspires him to make a difference wherever he goes, he says. Described as being a social and economic conservative, Perrottet won a NSW Liberal party room ballot on Tuesday morning. He replaces Gladys Berejiklian and will Read more