Posts Tagged ‘Bishop Steve Lowe’

NZ Catholic signs out on a century of news

Monday, July 1st, 2024

The NZ Catholic newspaper has sent out its final print publication. While the print newspaper is the last of 100 years of Catholic publications owned and operated by Bishops of Auckland, it will return. At least that’s the current plan says Auckland’s Catholic bishop, Steve Lowe. It’ll be a 21st century digital paper, with Lowe Read more

NZ Catholic digital on the way

Monday, June 24th, 2024

When NZ Catholic sends out its final print publication at the end of June, it will mark the end of an era. A print era, that is. Print edition will be missed “I liked the NZ Catholic because I could catch up with current news about Catholic NZ … seminarians, Vinnies, ordinations, school successes, photos Read more

NZ Catholic to cease publication announces Bishop Lowe

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
NZ Catholic

New Zealand’s national newspaper NZ Catholic will cease publication at the end of June. The Catholic Bishop of Auckland, Steve Lowe, confirmed the 27-year old publication’s closure and thanked NZ Catholic readers for their faithful support. Subscribers are offered refunds for their prepaid subscription. NZ Catholic’s closure will bring to an end a 150-year tradition Read more

Easter Trading bill will be no good for families, workers

Monday, April 15th, 2024
Easter Trading

NZ Catholic Bishop Steve Lowe (pictured) is dismayed Easter trading – and the current ban on it – is up for change. He’s concerned about the ACT Party’s Easter Trading bill, which was drawn in a ballot just before Easter. “I guess when I read about this, I groaned. I thought: ‘Here we go again’. Read more

Bishop Lowe asks prayers for Efeso Collins

Monday, February 26th, 2024
Fa’anānā Efeso Collins

“Please pray for the soul of Efeso Collins” says Auckland Bishop Steve Lowe. “We give thanks for Efeso’s ministry in our church and his mahi in the world. “Please join me in praying for his family and all those who are struggling with this sad news. Rest in peace Efeso.” Brought up a Pentecostal Christian, Read more

NZ Catholic bishops promote open informed life discussions

Thursday, September 28th, 2023
NZ Catholic bishops

In a significant move, the NZ Catholic bishops are promoting open and informed life discussion through a modernised and broadened document, Te Kahu o te Ora – A Consistent Ethic of Life. The modernisation seeks to fill a twenty-six-year gap and reflect some of the modern challenges. Dr John Kleinsman, director of the NZ Catholic Read more

Bishop Steve Lowe should have apologised

Monday, August 21st, 2023
Steve Lowe

Against a background of ongoing legal matters, Bishop Steve Lowe, the apostolic administrator of the Hamilton Diocese, is accused of not being pastoral enough in his response to a victim of clergy abuse. The Waikato Times reports a woman from within the Hamilton Catholic diocese saying that in a meeting with Lowe, she told him Read more

Synod document is the Holy Spirit speaking bishop tells Kiwis

Thursday, July 20th, 2023

The Synod’s Working Document is the Holy Spirit talking and Bishop Stephen Lowe is urging people to become familiar with it. Emphasising its importance, Lowe, President of the New Zealand Bishops Conference, describes the document as “another step towards the future”. “This working document is the product of the process of the Church listening to Read more

Bishop Steve Lowe – social media faked

Monday, July 17th, 2023
Stephen Lowe

The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) warns that two social media accounts of Bishop Steve Lowe on Facebook have been faked. Lowe serves both as the Catholic Bishop of Auckland and President of the New Zealand Bishops’ Conference. The fake social media accounts impersonating Lowe have surfaced on Meta’s Facebook and Messenger platforms and, Read more

Thanks for your donations to the national Catholic appeals

Monday, May 8th, 2023

Auckland Bishop, Steve Lowe, has thanked everyone for donating to his Catholic Caring Foundation’s flood and cyclone appeals. Lowe reports that 69 grants have been given to charities and agencies throughout greater Auckland to help families, people and communities in need. “The outpouring of generosity throughout the country and overseas has been humbling,” he says. Read more