Posts Tagged ‘Council of Cardinals’

Yes-no: Despite papal denial, women’s diaconate talks persist

Monday, July 22nd, 2024
Women's diaconate

The women’s diaconate is a discussion that won’t go away. Pope Francis consistently says “no” when asked if women can be deacons or join the Catholic clergy. But Francis supports discussion about the women’s diaconate. This October’s synod working document affirms “theological reflection should continue”. Since last December the Pope and his Council of Cardinal Read more

Female Anglican bishop addresses Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinals

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

A female Anglican bishop who has campaigned for “gender equality” addressed the Council of Cardinals on Monday as part of a session dedicated to deepening a reflection “on the role of women in the Church.” Rev Jo Bailey Wells, deputy secretary general of the Anglican Communion, was one of the first generation of women to Read more

Pope makes two major appointments

Monday, October 19th, 2020

Pope Francis has made two major appointments at the Curia. He selected Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu of Kinshasa to be a member of the Council of Cardinals. Bishop Marcello Semararo of Albano was appointed the new prefect for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Cardinal Besungu takes the place of his predecessor in the Read more

Curia reform focus is on mission, not doctrine

Monday, July 1st, 2019

The Vatican’s progress report on the future constitution governing the Roman Curia is “An intense work of consultation and mutual listening”. Doctrine alone is no longer enough to reach an increasingly post-Christian world, says Bishop Marcello Semeraro, Secretary of the Council of Cardinals. He points out that a “fundamental perspective” of Pope Francis’s reform efforts Read more

Vatican says three cardinals leaving C9 won’t be replaced

Thursday, December 13th, 2018

Pope Francis has released three cardinals from the C9 – his Council of Cardinals. Members of the Council (known as the C9 because there are nine cardinals making up the papal advisory group) advise the pope on Church governance and reform. Its work places a special emphasis on the reform of Pastor Bonus, the apostolic Read more

More youth, women needed in Curia say cardinals

Monday, September 18th, 2017

The Pope’s Council of Cardinals says the Roman Curia needs to be more international and include more young people and women. Commonly referred to as the “C9,” the group was established by Pope Francis after his election as Bishop of Rome in 2013 to advise him in matters of Church governance and reform. Read more

Vatican reform nears completion

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

Major Vatican reform is almost finished says Secretary of the Pope’s international Council of Cardinals, Bishop Marcello Semeraro. Adding, the work is “nearly complete at the level of proposals made to the Pope. “I think that within a few months this revision will be more or less complete. “Then the Pope will have at his disposition Read more

Some Vatican offices may be decentralised

Monday, June 19th, 2017

Decentralising some Vatican offices as part of a number of Curia reforms is on the cards, communications from Pope Francis and the Council of Cardinals suggested after they met last week. This would mean transferring some offices from the Vatican to local bishops or episcopal conferences “in a spirit of healthy decentralization.” The Council said Read more

Cardinals present plans for Family and Justice dicasteries

Friday, February 12th, 2016

Pope Francis’s council of nine cardinals has formally presented the Pontiff with their final proposals to set up two major new offices in the Roman Curia. The two new Vatican offices proposed are “Laity, Family and Life” and “Justice, Peace and Migration”. Pope Francis will make the final decision on these proposals. The cardinals are Read more

Cardinals’ council to focus on Church decentralisation

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

The Pope’s advisory council of cardinals is to focus on the possible decentralisation of the Church’s structures. In a press release on Saturday, the Vatican announced this and gave an update on the council’s meeting last week. In their next meeting in February, the so-called C9 council, which advises the Pope on Church governance, will reflect Read more