Posts Tagged ‘Anglican communion’

Yes-no: Despite papal denial, women’s diaconate talks persist

Monday, July 22nd, 2024
Women's diaconate

The women’s diaconate is a discussion that won’t go away. Pope Francis consistently says “no” when asked if women can be deacons or join the Catholic clergy. But Francis supports discussion about the women’s diaconate. This October’s synod working document affirms “theological reflection should continue”. Since last December the Pope and his Council of Cardinal Read more

Female Anglican bishop addresses Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinals

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

A female Anglican bishop who has campaigned for “gender equality” addressed the Council of Cardinals on Monday as part of a session dedicated to deepening a reflection “on the role of women in the Church.” Rev Jo Bailey Wells, deputy secretary general of the Anglican Communion, was one of the first generation of women to Read more

Anglican same-sex blessings vote applies only to England

Thursday, February 16th, 2023
same-sex blessings

Rumours swirling about the Anglican Communion in England’s recent ‘yes’ vote for same-sex blessings have been cleared up by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Decisions made by the Anglican Communion in England apply only to England. They don’t have an international reach, Justin Welby says. He reminded people of the autonomy of Anglican Provinces, as rumours Read more

Justin Welby: 2022 Lambeth address on the call on Human Dignity

Monday, August 8th, 2022
Human Dignity

This is one of the most important sessions of this Conference. In it, we come to a question – of what we believe about human dignity, including sexuality – that is deeply dividing, not only for Anglicans but for every part of God’s global church. This conference is one of the few places where we Read more

Justin Welby comes out – gay sex is a sin

Thursday, August 4th, 2022
gay sex

Gay sex is a sin. The leader of the global Anglican church has come out with it and in so doing has affirmed “the validity” of a 1998 declaration. Questioning biblical teaching is “unthinkable” for “a large majority” of conservative Anglicans, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby announced at the ten-yearly Lambeth conference. “In many countries, Read more

Anglican Communion row flares over same-sex marriage

Monday, August 1st, 2022
Anglican Communion

A meeting of leaders of the Anglican Communion say they will refuse Holy Communion from bishops with gay partners and from those who support same-sex marriage. Friday’s announcement at the Lambeth Conference in Canterbury, England came from the Global South orthodox bishops as they pressed for re-affirmation of traditional teaching on marriage. The Global South Read more

Pacific Anglican church says no to blessing same-sex couples

Monday, May 21st, 2018
same-sex couples

The Tikanga Pasifika, the Pacific arm of the Anglican Church, has opted not to support a resolution passed at the recent general synod of the Anglican communion allowing for the blessing of same-sex couples. The resolution affirms that marriage is a union between one man and one woman, but it allows for individual bishops to offer Read more

New Anglican primate for Maori church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

The two existing primates of the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia (ANZP) have announced that the province’s third primate will be Bishop Don Tamihere, currently bishop of Tairawhiti. The Church of ANZP is unique in the Anglican Communion in having three primates of the whole province, but with special responsibility for the Read more

The age-old Anglican virtue of patience needed to create unity

Monday, August 21st, 2017

Archbishop Joshua Idowu-Fearon, the secretary general of the Anglican Communion has just completed  seven-day tour of the church in Aotearoa New Zealand. He says that on first impression the three tikanga church has modelled an age-old Anglican virtue  of patience; something, he fears, that is in danger of being lost. He has that impression, he Read more

Risk of break-up of worldwide Anglican Communion

Friday, June 10th, 2016

A deal to avert a break-up of the worldwide Anglican Communion risks collapse amid signals African churches are re-assessing ties with the Church of England. The leader of a powerful bloc of traditionalists representing the majority of the world’s Anglicans said the CofE has crossed a “line” in recent decisions on homosexuality. The Most Rev Read more