Peter’s Pence: donations to Pope’s charity on the rise

In 2023, the income of the Peter’s Pence Fund, intended to meet the needs of the universal Church and to support numerous initiatives in favour of those most in need, amounted to 52 million euros (48.4 million from offerings received and 3.6 million from financial income realised from the remuneration of assets), while the expenditures totalled 109.4 million euros.

The donations to Peter’s Pence are received in three primary forms:

  1. The collection taken up in churches worldwide on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. These are subsequently forwarded to the Holy See by Italian dioceses and, via the Pontifical Representations, from overseas dioceses.
  2. Direct offerings sent through bank and postal account transfers, checks, or through the website with credit cards and PayPal.
  3. Bequests from inheritances.

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