Posts Tagged ‘Abortion’

Sixty-one percent of UK Catholic say abortion is ok

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

British Catholics who believe “the law should allow an abortion if a woman decides on her own she does not wish to have a child” rose to 61 per cent in 2016. This is a large increase from 39 per cent in 2012 and 33 per cent in 1985, the 2016 British Social Attitudes survey Read more

Abortion – Down’s syndrome advocacy group condemn pledge to decriminalise

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

A Down’s syndrome advocacy group has condemned Jacinda Ardern’s pledge to decriminalise abortion, saying it will allow abortion for disability till up to 40 weeks. Ardern has responded by saying abortions up to 40 weeks would not be made legal under Labour. Despite this, Saving Downs created a social media post using Labour’s campaign slogan Read more

Ban on prolife club at university like banning books say Bishops

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

The New Zealand Catholic Bishops (NZCBC) have expressed concern at the decision of Auckland University’s student Association (AUSA) to ban a ProLife Club. “The Catholic Church has learned through dark periods in our own history that banning free-thinking and persecuting those with different views is a shameful and retrograde step for society,” said Bishop Patrick Read more

Auckland University referendum on disaffiliating pro-life club

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

The fate of a university anti-abortion club will be decided this week in a referendum that could see it disaffiliated. Auckland University Students Association members are now able to vote on whether the ProLife Auckland group should remain affiliated with the association. The referendum also asks whether clubs with a “similar ideology” should be banned from Read more

Immigration advocate who has performed abortions speaks at parish forum

Monday, July 31st, 2017

A woman who says she has carried out 10,000 abortions was a key speaker last week at an Italian parish forum sponsored by local officials of Caritas Italiana. Parishioners protesting at her inclusion in the forum were removed from the audience. Emma Bonino’s advocacy for immigrants and refugees has prompted Pope Francis to praise her Read more

Tens of Thousands of pro-life supporters rally in Dublin

Thursday, July 13th, 2017

Tens of thousands of of pro-life supporters took part in the annual ‘Rally for Life’ march in Dublin last week. It was organised by groups who want to preserve the Eighth Amendment. Article 40.3.3 of the Irish Constitution, known as the Eighth Amendment, was voted into the Irish Constitution by referendum in 1983. The amendment Read more

English explains his stance morality and government

Monday, July 10th, 2017

The Prime Minister Bill English says that “if you’re looking to the Government to be the arbiter of morality, you are going to be constantly, consistently disappointed.” He believes what drives constructive social behaviour “is our families, our iwi, our churches, our communities.” English was the guest at Family First’s 10th annual “Forum on the Read more

Abortions up to birth possible

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

Hundreds of doctors and medical students in the UK have signed a letter condemning a change in the British Medical Association’s (BMAs) abortion policy. Last week two-thirds the BMA voted for the total decriminalisation of abortion. Doctors opposed to the change say the it could make way for abortions to be carried out until a Read more

Chiara Corbella’s husband on her possible canonization

Thursday, June 29th, 2017

The cause of canonization for the Italian laywoman Chiara Corbella opened June 13, the fifth anniversary of her death. Here is a recent interview with her husband: When Enrico Petrillo and Chiara Corbella were expecting their son Francesco, Chiara was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. Together, they decided to postpone treatment so Read more

YouTube bans planned parenthood video

Monday, May 29th, 2017

YouTube has removed the latest planned parenthood video the Center for Medical Progress has posted. It features revelations about the abortion industry. It also removed a copy of a video about the revelations LifeSiteNews saved and posted to YouTube. The video contained footage from the National Abortion Federation conference. In this, abortionists admit they work Read more