Posts Tagged ‘Election 2017’

A challenge at election time: Pope says pray for all leaders

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

Pope Francis recently asked his congregation for a favour. Make an examination of conscience and ask yourself if you pray for your leaders. Not just the ones you like, but all leaders. “And if you find in your examination of conscience that you have not prayed for your leaders, bring it to confession. Because not Read more

Election – 5 political parties respond to NZ Bishops’ issues

Monday, September 18th, 2017

In July the New Zealand Catholic Bishops issued a statement about the 2017 General Election. Entitled Step Out and Vote, the statement encourages Catholics as faith-based citizens to make a difference to New Zealand’s future through informed and considered voting in the upcoming election. The Bishops put forward specific ideas that encourage questions and thinking among voters to help Read more

Abortion – Down’s syndrome advocacy group condemn pledge to decriminalise

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

A Down’s syndrome advocacy group has condemned Jacinda Ardern’s pledge to decriminalise abortion, saying it will allow abortion for disability till up to 40 weeks. Ardern has responded by saying abortions up to 40 weeks would not be made legal under Labour. Despite this, Saving Downs created a social media post using Labour’s campaign slogan Read more

What some young South Aucklanders see as election issues

Monday, August 28th, 2017

Four Year 13 students at Māngere College, all first-time voters, said housing and jobs were what they were most worried about ahead of the election on 23 September. The Electoral Commission visited their school recently, and all four had enrolled to vote, although one was leaning towards not voting. No party had yet convinced her Read more

Winston Peters creates chasm between Sikhs and Hindus

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

The Kiwi-Indian community is incensed over Winston Peters’ latest dab in creating chasms between Sikhs and Hindus in New Zealand. Winston Peters has recently derided National’s promise to the Sikh community to amend the law for allowing Sikh Kirpan in New Zealand if re-elected to power after elections. Continue reading

Bishops say housing the greatest issue facing New Zealanders

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

“Too many New Zealanders are facing real difficulties finding affordable, warm, secure housing,” says the Catholic archbishop of Wellington Cardinal John Dew. He was speaking prior to a housing forum organised by the Anglican and Catholic churches of Wellington. Approximately 600 people attended the forum in the Anglican Cathedral of St Paul on Wednesday evening. Read more

Anglican/Catholic Election Forum in Wellington on Wednesday

Monday, August 7th, 2017

Catholic Archbishop of Wellington, Cardinal John Dew and Anglican Bishop of Wellington Justin Duckworth will co-host a housing forum with leaders of key political parties on 9 August at the Anglican Cathedral. Attendance is welcome and there is no charge. The forum formally starts at 6:30pm on 9 August 2017, with snacks and drinks available Read more

Vincentians  support  Bishops’ election statement

Monday, August 7th, 2017

The NZ Catholic Bishops’ Election Statement, Step out and Vote, has received a resounding endorsement from the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Society President Terry Comber said that the social issues that the Bishops raise are at the forefront of the Society’s work. “On behalf of Vincentians in New Zealand, I would like to Read more

Election forum to focus on housing issues

Monday, July 31st, 2017

On the evening of Wednesday the 9th of August, Wellington Cathedral of St Paul will play host to a joint Roman Catholic and Anglican election forum focusing on housing. Political leaders are being invited to attend and speak, and it will be a fantastic opportunity for people to hear housing challenges and the proposed solutions Read more

Poor people should not have children

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

Families who can’t afford children shouldn’t be having them, says the ACT Party’s new deputy leader, Beth Houlbrooke. And her leader, David Seymour agrees with her, saying  too many children were being born into poverty. The Spinoff (an online magazine) followed up on this story by posting a list of 25 people ACT thinks should Read more