Posts Tagged ‘Bishop Michael Gielen’

Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer speak out against allegations

Thursday, July 18th, 2024
Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer St Albans

Concerned members of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer faithful have grave concerns regarding the calculated mischaracterisation of our Christchurch community and have prepared the following statement: The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and its congregation have been targeted by a deliberate and coordinated misinformation campaign. This campaign along with the outrageous, false, Read more

Bishop Gielan: what is at play in the traditionalist space?

Thursday, July 18th, 2024

Bishop Michael Gielen’s decision to remove the faculties of the clerical members of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and to ask them to leave the diocese is a courageous act. The scandal-plagued group came to prominence through their illicit use of the rites of exorcism and have been investigated by both the local Read more

Christchurch Catholic cathedral shortlist names

Monday, June 24th, 2024
Catholic cathedral

A name for Christchurch’s Catholic cathedral is likely to be decided and announced next month. Further input from the diocese’s Catholic community is being sought to help choose between those still on offer after numerous suggestions were pared back. The name search began last month when Christchurch’s Bishop Michael Gielen initiated a survey. He invited Read more

New name sought for Christchurch Catholic Cathedral

Monday, May 27th, 2024

A pastoral letter from Bishop Michael Gielen has been read at Masses in the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch over the weekend. It launched a process of finding a name for the new Catholic cathedral. Catholics are being invited to suggest a name and offer an explanation why they believe it would be a fitting choice. Read more

Catholic church delivers some overdue fresh air to a gloomy city

Monday, April 29th, 2024

It’s been a bruising April for many of Christchurch’s iconic landmarks, venues and events, teetering under the weight of their own financial turmoil. The Arts Centre’s management team continues to sound the threatening drumbeat of insolvency if the ratepayer doesn’t rush to their rescue. (The doom-mongering hasn’t stopped them frittering lavish operational sums on their Read more

Christchurch Catholic Cathedral – decision made – people happy

Monday, April 22nd, 2024
Christchurch Catholic Cathedral

After much debate, prayer and waiting, the site for the new Christchurch Catholic Cathedral has been announced. On Sunday, Christchurch diocese’s Catholic bishop, Michael Gielen, announced the decision to use the Barbados Street site. It will be on the same site which the beautiful Petrie-designed Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament occupied until the 2011 earthquake destroyed Read more

Location of Christchurch’s new cathedral uncertain

Monday, April 8th, 2024
Catholic cathedral

Christchurch Diocese General Manager Simon Thompson told CathNews that a decision as to where Christchurch’s new Catholic cathedral will be located is still some way off. Consultation phase complete A wide range of views has been sought to provide the diocese with the means to make a well-supported decision. Some of these came from technical Read more

Growing Together signals move to Anglican and Catholic unity

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

In a historic move towards unity, Anglican and Catholic bishops from across the globe gathered for the ‘Growing Together’ summit, a testament to their commitment to bridge centuries-old divides. The Growing Together summit, known as the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM), was held from 22-29 January in Rome and Canterbury. Anglican Read more

Christchurch Cathedral location – about turn in thinking

Monday, December 11th, 2023

In a significant about turn, Christchurch bishop Michael Gielen is proposing Barbadoes Street, the location of the original cathedral, as his preferred site for a new Christchurch Cathedral. The new thinking marks a departure from the construction plan on Armagh Street. As part of the change in thinking, Bishop Gielen has initiated consultations with professional Read more

Action on fringe Latin Mass rites – timely and necessary

Thursday, November 23rd, 2023
Sacrosanctum Concilium,

In the wake of recent events in Christchurch involving the fringe group “Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer” and their alleged exorcisms, a critical examination of the Church’s stance on pre-Vatican II Latin Mass rites is both timely and necessary. This group’s actions have them being accused of operating as a law unto themselves, disrespecting Read more