Posts Tagged ‘Cardinal Oswald Gracias’

Archdiocese denies news about death of Cardinal

Monday, May 27th, 2024

“Cardinal Oswald Gracias is alive,” the Archdiocese of Bombay announced in this unusual press release. On Thursday, the Indian archdiocese informed the public that reports of its archbishop’s death were fictitious. “We can confirm that His Eminence is very much alive and well and faithfully discharging his duties as Shepherd of his flock in the Read more

“Bangkok Document” urges active involvement addressing key issues

Monday, March 20th, 2023
Asian Bishops Bangkok Document

Churches in Asia synodal document calls people to address pressing issues in the region. The “Bangkok Document” released by the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) highlights refugees, migrants, indigenous peoples, climate change, family matters, women, and youth. The 40-page document was presented by the federation’s leaders during an online ceremony on March 15, following Read more

Curia reform will have Francis effect

Monday, July 8th, 2019
Curia reform

Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay, India, is one of Pope Francis’s closest advisers. He’s a member of the council of cardinals re-writing the Vatican’s constitution, and he was also tapped to be one of the four coordinators of a recent Church summit on the protection of minors. Gracias told Crux said that the reorganization of Read more

Catholic Church calls on Modi to lead ‘strong and inclusive India’

Thursday, May 30th, 2019

The Catholic Church says it wants to work with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in building a “New India”. “On behalf of the Catholic Church in India, and on my own behalf, I extend my heartiest congratulations to you and to the Bharatiya Janata Party on the emphatic election victory. “The people of India have given Read more

Anti-abuse summit – be realistic

Thursday, February 14th, 2019

A leading expert in the field of child protection, Jesuit Father Hans Zollner, says while one goal of the Vatican’s upcoming anti-abuse summit aims to get the world’s bishops on the same page about abuse prevention, a uniform solution to the clerical abuse issue doesn’t exist. Zollner says he believes the reason for calling the Read more

Pope names organisers of 2019 protection of minors meeting

Monday, November 26th, 2018

The names of the organising committee for the Vatican’s upcoming meeting about the protection of minors in the Church has been announced. Greg Burke, Director of the Holy See’s Press Office, says next February’s “unprecedented” meeting shows “Pope Francis has made the protection of minors a fundamental priority for the Church”. The meeting is not Read more

Asian bishops press Rome for local liturgical translations

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Most of Asia’s bishops’ conferences have asked one of their Rome representatives why liturgical translations cannot be done at conference level. This request was put to Cardinal Oswald Gracias from India, who is a member of the so-called C8 council which is advising Pope Francis on reform of the Roman Curia. Cardinal Gracias and Honduran Read more