Posts Tagged ‘Destiny Church’

Tamakis block Queen Street, in campaign push for ‘rights and freedoms’

Monday, July 13th, 2020

Destiny Church leaders Brian and Hannah Tamaki blocked Queen St in a campaign push to demand that “their voices be heard.” Roughly 1000 people gathered in Aotea Square to hear the pair make their pitch for their party, Vision New Zealand, ahead of the upcoming election. Read more

Coronavirus -Some born-again Christians immune?

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

Airborne demons are responsible for the coronavirus but it has been claimed some born-again Christians could have special protection from it. “Satan has control of atmospheres unless you’re a born-again, Jesus-loving, bible-believing, Holy Ghost-filled, tithe-paying believer.” This is what Bishop Brain Tamaki told the people at Destiny’s South Auckland centre and live stream viewers on Read more

Church leader uses ploys from Trump’s bag of tricks

Monday, February 10th, 2020

Bishop Brian Tamaki seems to have taken a couple of popularist planks from President Trump’s platform. At Waitangi, last Thursday he railed against immigrants and also suggested: “We should drain the Wellington bureaucratic swamp”. The Destiny Church leader was described in the Waitangi Day service schedule booklet as an ‘Apostle Bishop’. Tamaki had arrived with Read more

Destiny Church’s Hannah Tamaki calls for ban on new mosques

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

Destiny Church leader Hannah Tamaki’s political party says it will ban new “mosques, temples and other foreign buildings of worship” if elected. Vision NZ – which had to change its name after its original suggestion, the Coalition Party, was rejected by election authorities – has made the promise in an inflammatory announcement railing against multiculturalism. Read more

Destiny Church charities status reinstated

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

Two charities under Destiny Church have been allowed to operate again, including having tax exemptions, after earlier having their charitable status removed. The High Court on Tuesday ordered that both charities – the Destiny International Trust and Te Hāhi o Ngā Mātāmua Holdings – be reinstated their charitable status. They were taken off the Charities Read more

Destiny Church member refused rental property on religious grounds

Thursday, August 1st, 2019

A forestry worker in Whangārei is offended his application to rent a cottage was refused because he’s a member of the Destiny Church. Read more

Broad church: Diverse Christian voices worth listening to

Monday, June 10th, 2019

Perceptions of Christianity in New Zealand get shaped by the most extreme voices. So who else could the media go to for comment? Quick, name the most prominent New Zealander you can think of who is a Christian. Chances are if you follow the news at all, that the first name that comes to mind Read more

Kiwis troll the Tamakis’ Coalition Party, snapping up domain names

Monday, May 27th, 2019

The country’s newest political party Coalition New Zealand has had some competition finding a domain name. Since Brian and Hannah Tamaki announced the party, Kiwis have been snapping up domain names left, right and centre. Kiwi comedian Tim Batt was one of those who swooped in, buying the page. Read more

Bishop Tamaki wants Kelvin Davis to man up, do his job, or else

Thursday, May 9th, 2019
man up

The Government is accused of attempting to ‘gang rape’ Destiny Church leader Bishop Brian Tamaki. Tamaki made the comments Monday, on Q+A. Threatening to re-enter politics if nothing is done to stop Māori families suffering and to fix the prison system he said he may need to talk to Hone Harawira about taking Corrections Minister, Read more

Critics say Destiny Church gives God a bad name

Monday, April 29th, 2019
destiny church

The Destiny Church has been criticised for demonstrating outside the Al Noor Mosque in an attempt to reclaim Christchurch in the name of Jesus. The photo above shows Destiny Church Christchurch senior pastor Derek Marina Tait reaching out to a member of the Muslim community during the call to prayer and peace vigil at Hagley Park on Read more