Posts Tagged ‘Holy Spirit’

Living by the Spirit of truth

Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Every day, massive floods of information flow around us, inviting us to choose which samples to consume. Those who publish this information claim to be telling us what is happening in the world, but in our wiser moments we remember to question whether they are offering us the truth. From experience, we know that the Read more

Come Holy Spirit come and keep on coming

Thursday, May 25th, 2023

To fully grasp what Jesus was really ‘on-about’ during His public ministry can only happen in light of Pentecost Sunday. The disciples not only linked the dots but were convinced without a doubt that ‘their mutual friend’ was the Son of the Living God. He was the Saviour their ancestor had pined for. Jesus’ execution Read more

Managing expectations an issue for the Synod

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023
prayerful experience

On the last day of their meeting at the Vatican this month, the seven-member Synod of Bishops’ preparatory commission had an audience with Pope Francis. Bishop Daniel Flores, who has been coordinating the synod process for the United States bishops, said the meeting was “very encouraging”. Francis speaks “very beautifully about the Church and about Read more

Pentecost: Baptism is not a Sacrament for us to be tucked away

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

Pentecost occurred in a locked upstairs room in downtown Jerusalem. Afraid, Mary and the apostles were hiding, but in complete contrast, the Holy Spirit directs the ‘door be opened’ and redirect the initial Church’s focus outward. New energy dawned with the birth of the Church and the Holy Spirit charged the Apostles and Mary to Read more

Forwards to the first century

Monday, August 16th, 2021

One of the first big crises the Church faced was one that Jesus had probably not anticipated. He certainly did not leave any instructions or even advice on how to deal with it. The problem appears in the Acts of the Apostles: “Now during those days, when the disciples were increasing in number, the Hellenists Read more

Police say ‘Holy Spirit’ saved speeder from ticket

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

Divine intervention may have saved a German speeder from a hefty fine, according to police. At least he has Mother Nature to thank. Viersen police have shared a speed camera photo on Facebook that shows a dove in flight covering the face of a Renault Twingo driver caught doing 34 mph (54 kph) in an Read more

Pope risks sinning against the Holy Spirit

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017

A bishop who is the former chief of staff for the U.S. Bishops’ committee on doctrine has written to Pope Francis. He says the current pontificate is marked by “chronic confusion”. He warns Francis his teaching with a “seemingly intentional lack of clarity risks sinning against the Holy Spirit.” Read more

Pope says Church shouldn’t have ‘leaders for life’

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

Pope Francis has said the Catholic Church should not have “leaders for life” in its ranks. Otherwise it would risk being like a country under a dictatorship, he told 30,000 people at a rally in St Peter’s Square on July 3. “There should be a time limit to positions (in the Church), which in reality Read more

Spirit creates movement within Church, leads to unity: Pope

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

Pope Francis has said the Holy Spirit creates movement within the Church, which at first sight might appear to be confusion. Preaching at a Mass on May 8 at his Santa Marta residence, the Pope said if this movement of the Spirit is welcomed with prayer and a spirit of dialogue, it always generates unity Read more

Pope asks family synod not to thwart God’s dream for people

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

On the eve of the opening of the synod on the family, Pope Francis said the secret to solving situations of difficulty lies in gazing on the face of Christ. “Every time we return to the source of Christian experience, new paths and un-thought of possibilities open up,” the Pope said at a prayer vigil Read more