Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Reese SJ’

Four powers the pope needs to grant the new chief of Vatican finances

Monday, November 25th, 2019

If you have to ask a Jesuit to straighten out your finances, you are in big trouble. Yet that is what Pope Francis has done. True, some of us can balance our chequebooks, but that is not our charism. In the late 1980s, I was handed the books by the director of a Jesuit think Read more

Decision time begins for Amazon bishops as synod enters final week

Monday, October 21st, 2019

As the synod on the Amazon region enters it final week,  the bishops gathered here to discuss the region’s challenges and make recommendations to Pope Francis will begin preparing their final report. Their words could have profound impact not only on the Amazon but the entire church, as the ideas they present about protecting the Read more

Amazon Synod about more than married priests

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

With the upcoming Amazon Synod, some people are only focused on whether it will recommend that the priesthood be opened to the ordination of married men, but there is a lot more at stake. True, the synod will discuss the possibility of ordaining married men because there is a shortage of priests to serve such Read more

The Eucharist is about more than Christ becoming present

Monday, August 26th, 2019

There has been a lot of clerical hand-wringing of late about Catholics who don’t believe what the church teaches about Christ’s presence in the bread and wine of the Eucharist. According to the Pew Research Center, only one-third of Catholics agree that the Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ. Almost 70 percent believe Read more

Leaked Curia reform document means disaster looms for Vatican

Monday, May 6th, 2019
curia reform

If there is any truth to the leaks concerning the Vatican’s forthcoming proposal to reform the Curia, it is going to be a disappointment and a disaster. A draft of the proposal, expected to be published at the end of June, was obtained by a Spanish weekly, Vida Nueva, and as the Vatican has not Read more

Three ways to evaluate Pope Francis’ Vatican Curia reform

Monday, April 29th, 2019
Thomas Reese curia reform

The cardinals who voted in conclave to elect Pope Francis did so hoping he would reform the scandal-plagued Vatican Curia and make it more responsive to the concerns of the universal church. Six years later, his Curia reform proposals are reportedly to be promulgated at the end of June, although they will probably be leaked Read more

Notre Dame a picture of the Church’s collapse

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

As fire devastates the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, the building is as much a symbol of the recent history of the Catholic Church in Europe as it once was a symbol of the Church’s power and cultural supremacy. The church had been in disrepair for decades. Calls for its restoration went mostly ignored Read more

Washington gets Wilton Gregory, a great bishop

Monday, April 8th, 2019
wilton gregory

The appointment of Wilton Gregory as archbishop of Washington, D.C., is good news for the church, the city and the country. The only drawback is his age. Gregory, 71, will have to submit his resignation when he reaches 75, the age when every bishop must submit his resignation. Whoever the pope is in December of Read more

The good, the bad and the merciful: Pope Francis after six years

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Six years ago, on March 13, the College of Cardinals surprised the world with the election of the Argentine Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio as pope. Taking the name Francis, he won the admiration and respect of Catholics and non-Catholics alike with his simplicity and concern for the poor and marginalized. With each passing year, however, criticism Read more

5 reasons the pope’s clergy sex abuse meeting in Rome will fail

Thursday, February 14th, 2019
Thomas Reese curia reform

This month’s meeting in Rome, called by Pope Francis to deal with the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, may well be a failure before it even starts. The stakes for the meeting have been ratcheted up, at least for the American church, as the Pennsylvania grand jury report on clergy sex abuse has summoned Read more