Posts Tagged ‘Human Trafficking’

Government disbands its modern slavery advisory group

Thursday, July 18th, 2024
modern slavery

Combating modern slavery is taking a back seat in New Zealand. Proposed legislation will not now go ahead. The Government has also disbanded a group set up to provide advice on this international crime. Members of the former Modern Slavery Leadership Advisory Group say that, by failing to act, New Zealand will fall behind its Read more

Genesis of a latter-day Asian slavery market

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Frustrations are running deep among international law enforcement agencies and regional governments over their limited abilities to cope with human trafficking and organized crime rings. These crime rings have revolutionised an industry that turns ordinary citizens into slaves. Trillion-dollar industry Interpol says human trafficking and scam compounds in Southeast Asia are worth more than US$3 Read more

A Lent fast that makes a difference

Thursday, February 15th, 2024

Are you wondering what to fast from this Lent – sweets. alcohol, or just simply eating less? This kind of fasting has its place. However, if you want to discover what fasting is especially meant to achieve, fast in a way that will bring about a holy change; change for the better for you, change Read more

Nun aims to mobilise 100,000 sisters to fight against human trafficking

Monday, December 4th, 2023

An Indian nun who recently received a global honour for her efforts to combat human trafficking has called upon the estimated 100,000 religious sisters in her vast nation to join the fight. She said that by doing so, “we could save many lives.” Sister Seli Thomas, a member of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate in Read more

Human trafficking – millions of daily victims

Monday, July 24th, 2023
Human trafficking

On any given day millions of people worldwide are victims of human trafficking, forced labour and sexual exploitation. Recent reports from the U.S. State Department, anti-human trafficking groups, and other global leaders focus on the serious problems of trafficking, forced labour, and modern-day slavery. The breakdown In 2021, 27.6 million people worldwide were subjected to Read more

Catholic nuns rescue 26,000 women from human trafficking

Monday, July 18th, 2022
nuns rescued women

In 2021, Talitha Kum, a federation of Catholic nuns, rescued more than 26,000 women in Asia from human trafficking. Talitha Kum is a Rome-based international network of religious sisters founded by the International Union of Superiors General (UISG). Their networks are active in five continents with the objective of ending human trafficking. “Prevention was the Read more

Church seeks to protect Ukrainian refugees from human traffickers

Monday, March 28th, 2022

Ukrainian refugees, especially women and children, need to be protected from human traffickers say Catholic Church leaders. “Let us think of these women and children who in time, without work, separated from their husbands, will be sought out by the ‘vultures’ of society. Please, let us protect them,” tweeted Pope Francis. Catholic aid workers’ concerns Read more

Human trafficking syndicate bust in South Africa, 10 Bangladeshis freed

Monday, February 14th, 2022

A Pakistani national, allegedly behind a transnational human trafficking syndicate operating between South Africa and several Asian countries, has been arrested. Ten Bangladeshi nationals were rescued in a raid in downtown Johannesburg. For a month, detectives from the serious organised crime unit at SAPS national head office have been assisted by crime intelligence agents in Read more

3.3 million girls at risk of child marriage due to Covid-19

Thursday, October 7th, 2021

A new report, Wednesday, from World Vision shows the devastating impact of Covid-19 on girls in the developing world. The report, How COVID-19’s impact on hunger and education is forcing children into marriage, warns that an additional 3.3 million girls globally are at high risk of child marriage. The World Vison report reveals that the Read more

Conservatives and liberals called to link over life issues

Thursday, September 30th, 2021
link over life issues

For Catholics who put their faith first, before anything else, there is one way – above all others – to view the life and death issues facing local communities, the nation and the world: and that is, through the lens of the Gospel and Catholic social teaching! But instead, it clearly appears that more often Read more