Bishop Denis Browne RIP

The Most Reverend Bishop Emeritus Denis Browne, CNZM, passed away on Sunday night after a long illness. He was 86.

Denis Browne was a significant figure in the life of the New Zealand Catholic Church and the wider community.

He was the bishop of Cook Islands and Niue (1977–1983), the tenth Bishop of Auckland (1983–1994), and the second Bishop of Hamilton from 1994 – 2014. He was a priest for 62 years and a bishop for 38 years!

In 1990, Browne was awarded the New Zealand 1990 Commemoration Medal.

In the 2001 Queen’s Birthday Honours, he was appointed a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit, for services to the community.

On Monday, the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference announced Browne’s death on Facebook.

“Bishop Denis, survived by two sisters, has gone home to God last night after a long illness. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for comfort to his remaining siblings,” writes the NZCBC.

The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference says it will “continue to share fond memories this week, giving thanks and praise to God for his life and service to the Church.”

Meanwhile, messages are flooding in from around the world and people are remembering Bishop Browne for his strong faith and human qualities, such as compassion, warmth, gentleness, true humility and leadership.

“Fond memories of a wonderful sense of humour, incredible knowledge and wisdom, hospitality and leadership.” – Dianne Porter

“Thank you for your gentle, faithful leadership and wonderful friendship you shared with my parents.” – Andrea Hall

“What a sad loss, such a wonderful person.” – Norris Hall

“You were so kind to us Patuwai’s growing up in the Wopwops.” – Riparata Patuwai

“Kia akangarohi ma te hau Bishop Denis Brown. Yes, he’s a gentle, humble and a much loved Bishop.” – Regina Atatoa

“Heaven has gained a giant in the faith.” – James Cuming

“I am blessed to know you.” – Marilyn Janet

“What a wonderful soul.” – Lyn Rae

“Bishop Denis was truly a servant of our Lord. Quiet, unassuming, attentive to others needs, welcoming nature and deeply close to our Lord. Manifested in his untiring service to God’s people.”- Catiano Paulo

“Thank us so muj 4 al ur love n service 2 us in da Cook Islands. God bless ur sould wif joy n happiness in Heaven Bishop Denis Browne.” [sic]- Lawrencia William

“Such a lovely man.” – Roxy Hepi

“I remember him from my time in Auckland as a young Woman,when he was a Parish Priest…a very gentle, humble and warm-hearted soul. May he enjoy the reward of all his faithfulness to God.” – Carmel Anne Malone

“I will always remember Bishop Browne’s extraordinary kindness at the time of our daughter Sarah’s death in 2006. A truly remarkable man.” – Dominic O’Sullivan

“Bishop Browne was the nicest person I have ever met. I had some beautiful times with Bishop. He influenced my life beyond imagination. May he rest in peace with the Lord and friend. We will meet again!” – Michael Morris

“A long time ago when he was at the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church he used to wash and cleanse both my foot both of them were blessed.” – Jess Fernandez

“You had truly been a great and faithful servant of God. Resembling His Merciful Meek & Loving Heart to His people, may the good Lord Jesus grant you now your Eternal Reward in Heaven.” – Tiffany Luz Colina

“An amazing servant of God, he lived with compassion.” – Kazza Skcot

“A beautiful soul. I was blessed to know you.”- Leeann Johnson

On April 23, 2016, Browne along with his colleague and good friend, Archbishop Sir David Moxon were recognised for their outstanding leadership and contributions to the Waikato community.

Both received honorary doctorates.

At the time, Moxin said he was honoured to receive the honorary doctorate alongside Bishop Denis.

“We have been colleagues and friends for a long time in a common cause – the common good and the spiritual health of the wider community,” said Moxon.

In 2016, when conferring both religious leaders with their doctorates, University of Waikato Vice-Chancellor Professor Neil Quigley said their honour was well-deserved.

“Both David and Denis have worked tirelessly in pursuit of church and community wellness, in the Waikato region in particular, so it’s fitting they both receive Honorary Doctorates together.”

Funeral details

The NZCBC say details of Browne’s Requiem will be confirmed in the coming days.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Fidelium animae, per misericordiam Dei,
requiescant in pace.


  • NZ Catholic Bishops Conference – Facebook (Last accessed 7:10pm)
  • CathNews
  • Wikipedia
Additional reading

News category: Top Story.
