Posts Tagged ‘Service’

Diaconate – women yet to be recognised as equal

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

“Until the Holy Father has a woman proclaiming the gospel in St Peter’s at a Mass he celebrates, the Church really doesn’t have the right to say women are to be recognised as equal and to be held as equally human to men” said Phyllis Zagano PhD, a Senior Research Associate in Residence at Hofstra Read more

Anointed to serve

Thursday, May 11th, 2023

We are here to crown a King, and we crown a King to serve. What is given today is for the gain of all. For Jesus Christ announced a Kingdom in which the poor and oppressed are freed from the chains of injustice. The blind see. The bruised and broken-hearted are healed. That Kingdom sets Read more

Pope urges Italian Bishops to make parishes schools of service

Monday, September 6th, 2021

Pope Francis is urging 20 Italian Bishops to seek ways to revitalize their pastoral care in areas facing depopulation, marginalization, and economic difficulty. The pope is asking Bishops to overcome “nostalgia for the past” and take bold steps to be a consoling presence in places where hardship is abound. Parishes, he added, should become training Read more

Eucharistic foothills

Monday, May 3rd, 2021
shaping the assembly

One of the buzz-phrases of Catholic theology – cited in virtually every document from the Vatican – is that the liturgy, and especially the Eucharist, is ‘the source and summit’ of the Christian life. The origins of the phrase are complex, but it enters mainstream Catholic discourse with the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy in Read more

Humble service speaks louder than words

Monday, November 11th, 2019
humbe service

“Holiness transcends denominational boundaries”, said Pope Francis while meeting a delegation of the Salvation Army. The pope was quoting a comment made by former Salvationist leader General Andre Cox during a 2014 papal audience. During the audience, Francis also recalled the first lesson he ever received in ecumenism. He was four years old and met Read more

Pope seems to criticise Cuba regime in visit

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

Pope Francis appeared to take aim at Cuba’s communist regime in comments at a Mass at Havana’s Revolution Square on Sunday. The Pontiff told the crowd that “service is never ideological”. Speaking in a plaza dominated by a towering portrait of revolutionary Che Guevara, the Pope told the crowd they should “serve people, not ideas”. Read more

Roman Curia set for complete overhaul, not upgrade

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Confirmation that Pope Francis intends a complete overhaul of the Roman Curia has been made official following the first meeting of the Council of Cardinals appointed to help the Pope govern the Church. The aim is to emphasise the Curia’s role of service to the universal Church and the local churches “in terms of subsidiarity, Read more

Priests: commitment to God, service and exemplary life

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Monday evening in the Vatican Basilica, Pope Benedict presided at Vespers for the opening of the academic year in pontifical universities. His homily focused on priestly ministry. The Pope then went on to identify three preconditions for a priest’s life to ensure its conformity to Christ: “the aspiration to collaborate with Jesus in spreading the Read more

Lay people commit to life of service

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Pope stops to say thanks

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Just before flying out of Madrid, Pope Benedict took time out and stopped at the Madrid IFEMA conference centre to say thanks to the 14,000 volunteers who worked to stage World Youth Day. “With your service, you have shown the face of kindness, friendliness and commitment to others,” the the 84 year old pope  said. Read more